Madeleine Para | CCL President: hey everybody i'm Madeline para and i'm your incoming executive director, welcome to the first CCL national call of 2022 will hear from our speaker in just a few minutes after just a few thoughts for me as we start the year. 56 00:16:47.940 --> 00:16:56.280 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So I hope you're glad, as I am to be together going into a new year, and I also hope that despite the many complications of this holiday season. 57 00:16:56.640 --> 00:17:02.190 Madeleine Para | CCL President: You had a chance to reflect on the things that matter to you to rest to connect with people you that you love. 58 00:17:03.060 --> 00:17:18.180 Madeleine Para | CCL President: About of my own holiday plans were messed up this year for the complications of the pandemic and the weather, but one of my very favorite times was an hour spent with two of my longtime CCL buddies the gift of their friendship just means so much to me. 59 00:17:19.380 --> 00:17:28.980 Madeleine Para | CCL President: it's not uncommon I think in our CCL chapters that we may make really deep friendships and then they last through time and there what holds us together. 60 00:17:31.620 --> 00:17:41.280 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So I want to thank all of the longtime CCL who've reached out to the challenges of the pandemic to draw on the newer folks that are coming. 61 00:17:41.700 --> 00:17:52.500 Madeleine Para | CCL President: to your chapters and draw them into your circles of friendship, I think of Garrett canal he's a group leader and a former state coordinator in Texas and he's now a member of our IT staff. 62 00:17:52.950 --> 00:18:00.870 Madeleine Para | CCL President: He did a breakout session on onboarding and our November conference and he said, my best friends, they started out as my new prospects. 63 00:18:01.260 --> 00:18:11.010 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So that's a quote right out of the breakout recording my best friend started as my new prospects I just think that's such a sweet reward for the time that he spent welcoming new people to CCL. 64 00:18:12.630 --> 00:18:20.700 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So we're together here today, at a time when the pandemic is surging we don't yet know the outcome of the budget reconciliation bill. 65 00:18:21.090 --> 00:18:26.520 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And the anniversary of the January six violence in our capital is really fresh on our minds. 66 00:18:27.150 --> 00:18:36.450 Madeleine Para | CCL President: In times like these it's understandable to feel discouragement or despair and I suspect that nearly everybody on this call battles with that at least sometimes. 67 00:18:37.380 --> 00:18:49.050 Madeleine Para | CCL President: We can get help for that from each other, I see you do that for each other, we can get help from my resilience program so i'd CCL community and I especially want to plug the act of hope workshops that Steve 11 offers. 68 00:18:49.680 --> 00:18:55.410 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And of course we work at practicing putting our attention on the victories that we do have and on our gratitude. 69 00:18:56.250 --> 00:19:05.550 Madeleine Para | CCL President: I think, to that some people find comfort or strengthen their spirituality and sometimes we just use like the power of decision that we have to keep taking action. 70 00:19:06.090 --> 00:19:17.490 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Of kind of no matter what we're feeling I think at my own times of discouragement I try to work on myself and and let go of the desire to have a feeling that i'm going to know the outcome. 71 00:19:17.850 --> 00:19:26.730 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And just keep working to shift things in the right direction, some days i'm more optimistic than other days, but every day I just keep working on the problem. 72 00:19:27.960 --> 00:19:36.240 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And every day I like doing it with you that really helps so after our speaker today will have a Congressional update from our government affairs staff. 73 00:19:36.810 --> 00:19:46.050 Madeleine Para | CCL President: 10 Tyler she's going to tell you that build back better is not dead, and though it's an uphill battle to get a carbon price in it, our allies in the Senate have not given up. 74 00:19:47.070 --> 00:19:53.610 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So that may fly in the face of our despair, but I want you to think about this members of Congress I realist. 75 00:19:54.240 --> 00:20:02.610 Madeleine Para | CCL President: If or when they think that this path for carbon pricing is fully close they're going to tell our staff and together we'll look for other paths. 76 00:20:03.150 --> 00:20:10.980 Madeleine Para | CCL President: But since they haven't stopped trying behind closed doors, and since they tell us that they need us now to remind the President and Senate. 77 00:20:11.550 --> 00:20:19.170 Madeleine Para | CCL President: That we're watching and that we want this action, I think we owe it to them to stay in action and, of course, we're going to tell you how to do that later in the call. 78 00:20:20.250 --> 00:20:26.340 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So one more thing, before I introduce our speaker and I am really excited about having Jose a good deal with us again. 79 00:20:27.210 --> 00:20:39.060 Madeleine Para | CCL President: I just want to say that, in addition to the gift of your time and friendship and your courage to stay an action, I want to thank you for the incredible financial gift giving that took place in December with our year end to feel. 80 00:20:40.200 --> 00:20:49.110 Madeleine Para | CCL President: You know, when a girl and her team once again they set an outrageous goal, where most biggest goal ever have $1.5 million. 81 00:20:49.860 --> 00:20:58.560 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And though Monday was biting her nails through December, once again, you validated or faith and trust in you and the progress bar went up steadily all month. 82 00:20:59.130 --> 00:21:15.960 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And it did the kind of search that kind of surgery like in the last two days of December together, you and your friends donated $1,580,672 and that put us in good shape for this new year, and I thank you so much for that. 83 00:21:17.610 --> 00:21:27.150 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So our speaker today what's a good so he is a longtime friend and partner to CCL we first got to know him as he was working with the friends committee on national legislation. 84 00:21:27.480 --> 00:21:40.200 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And then he moved over to the Catholic climate covenant where he's now the executive director it's not a coincidence that both the friends Committee and the class with climate covenant have actively supported the energy innovation and carbon dividends. 85 00:21:41.370 --> 00:21:51.420 Madeleine Para | CCL President: he's also a veteran and a graduate of villanova last school and someone who works tirelessly to bring people together so Jose welcome to the national hall call first just so glad to have you. 86 00:21:54.090 --> 00:22:01.350 Jose Aguto: Thank you so much Madeline if it is an absolute honor to be with you and thank you for your inspiring opening remarks. 87 00:22:02.790 --> 00:22:09.540 Jose Aguto: recognizing that the challenges that we are all facing during these times and seeking strength from one another. 88 00:22:11.160 --> 00:22:22.590 Jose Aguto: And also, from our faith if if we have one, and that is one of the reasons why I stepped into the the faith realm of advocacy with the friends committee. 89 00:22:23.130 --> 00:22:32.070 Jose Aguto: and also as a cradle Catholic ultimately with the Catholic climate covenant that that my faith and many people who share the same faith. 90 00:22:33.660 --> 00:22:45.360 Jose Aguto: believe that we can overcome that nothing is impossible with God and that with the saving grace of each other and the saving grace of the Testaments of our faith, we can carry on. 91 00:22:45.810 --> 00:23:01.650 Jose Aguto: In difficult times, and it is a real testament to see many CCL folks who continue to persist and hope and and see the good in people even our enemies and our adversaries and continue on with this good fight so. 92 00:23:03.990 --> 00:23:04.950 Jose Aguto: So thank you for that. 93 00:23:06.300 --> 00:23:09.870 Jose Aguto: I first wanted to start with talking about. 94 00:23:11.100 --> 00:23:19.350 Jose Aguto: The Catholic Church writ large, and I know that it gets some bad press and there's a lot of conflict within it, but there's so much more to the Church. 95 00:23:20.100 --> 00:23:30.300 Jose Aguto: So many millions of Catholics who serve and live the Gospel and I really want to bring that dimension forward before we move into the more granular aspects of. 96 00:23:30.870 --> 00:23:40.050 Jose Aguto: Of what the Covenant does and how we advocate, and how we work with CCL to promote justin climate action so i'm going to do a little. 97 00:23:41.070 --> 00:23:54.360 Jose Aguto: Quick tour through some dimensions of of our Church of the Catholic Church both globally and the United States and then move on to more granular aspects of the Catholic climate covenant in our work. 98 00:23:56.040 --> 00:24:05.310 Jose Aguto: So as an overarching matter the Catholic Church has 1.3 billion people across the world at 16% of the population and we fall under. 99 00:24:06.420 --> 00:24:18.660 Jose Aguto: One aspect is the nice seen creed, which was established in 381 ad and one of the phrases which were keep every mass is that we believe that we are one holy Catholic and apostolic church. 100 00:24:19.650 --> 00:24:28.920 Jose Aguto: So while it may not seem like that sometimes to folks we still strive as Catholics, to be that way, and we are unified every day by the mass. 101 00:24:29.580 --> 00:24:39.810 Jose Aguto: The readings and the Gospel and the eucharistic celebration, are all the same, in the hundreds of thousands of churches across the world every day celebrating the same mess. 102 00:24:40.320 --> 00:24:45.030 Jose Aguto: And we are also under the leadership, as you know of the Pope, who is currently Pope Francis. 103 00:24:45.990 --> 00:24:56.790 Jose Aguto: So it is there's a kind of a singular unity that's distinct in the Catholic Church that continues and that we strive to hold that unity moving forward as a church. 104 00:24:57.480 --> 00:25:06.990 Jose Aguto: And in the United States there are 70 million Catholics that fall under 193 diocese under which there is a bishop, who runs those diocese. 105 00:25:07.590 --> 00:25:30.420 Jose Aguto: And within them within the US Catholic Church, there are over 17,000 parishes 63 over 6000 parochial schools over 220 Catholic colleges and universities Catholic healthcare systems which are one out of every six citizens in or not city Americans or people in the United States. 106 00:25:31.590 --> 00:25:42.180 Jose Aguto: Hundreds of religious orders thousands of charitable organizations and I just want to note because we have all seen some of us have experienced the recent disasters. 107 00:25:43.650 --> 00:25:51.000 Jose Aguto: In Arkansas in Colorado and some of my friends and family in the Philippines that. 108 00:25:51.810 --> 00:26:01.680 Jose Aguto: Catholic charities USA is one of the largest social service providers in the United States and Catholic relief services is one of the largest international provider of services. 109 00:26:02.220 --> 00:26:12.570 Jose Aguto: In the world, and so I just want to bring a little bit of understanding or appreciation of some of the work they do, and that this is also part of the Catholic Church. 110 00:26:14.340 --> 00:26:17.130 Jose Aguto: So i'm going to share my screen for a second here. 111 00:26:18.510 --> 00:26:32.010 Jose Aguto: And so I wanted to talk a little bit about so Catholic charities, for example, and and when you look at what some of their priorities are you see how many they do affordable housing immigration. 112 00:26:33.270 --> 00:26:35.700 Jose Aguto: food assistance, for example in. 113 00:26:36.810 --> 00:26:45.840 Jose Aguto: In my diocese of arlington they are the largest provider of services to allow the Afghan refugees to come and integrate into our country. 114 00:26:46.980 --> 00:26:53.790 Jose Aguto: You see here during coven in 2020 that Catholic charities USA served over 15 million people. 115 00:26:54.960 --> 00:27:01.050 Jose Aguto: And then moving forward to Catholic relief services, which is one of the largest international relief organizations in the world. 116 00:27:02.100 --> 00:27:13.050 Jose Aguto: 2017, for example, serving 12.4 million people emergency response and in agriculture, millions of people in 51 countries and in health 93. 117 00:27:13.500 --> 00:27:25.740 Jose Aguto: million people in 42 countries, and right now they're in the Philippines helping of people who over 140,000 families in the Philippines that are left homeless, because of super typhoon right. 118 00:27:27.600 --> 00:27:33.330 Jose Aguto: So these are some of the dimensions that are also part of the Catholic Church. 119 00:27:37.230 --> 00:27:45.900 Jose Aguto: What brings us together also is what's called Catholic social teaching where we proclaim the Catholic Church for claims that. 120 00:27:46.410 --> 00:27:52.020 Jose Aguto: Human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. 121 00:27:52.740 --> 00:28:06.600 Jose Aguto: And what that includes under those themes is care for creation, which is a requirement of our faith, it is a relatively new requirement, but it is indeed a requirement and as Pope Francis said, and without to see. 122 00:28:07.620 --> 00:28:26.250 Jose Aguto: Living our basic vocation to be protectors of god's handiwork is essential to a life of virtue, it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience so to note that we as Catholics need to weave this into our faith as something that is. 123 00:28:27.390 --> 00:28:38.550 Jose Aguto: elemental fundamental to our faith Now this is relatively new and so what the covenant is doing is trying to help we've care for creation into the life and ministries of our church. 124 00:28:38.970 --> 00:28:44.670 Jose Aguto: And we seek to do so, as many of you are familiar, through Pope francis's encyclical adapt to see. 125 00:28:45.540 --> 00:28:56.640 Jose Aguto: But we also know that many pope's three probes prior to him i've been making statements about our call to care for creation and he is standing on the shoulders of those prior pope's. 126 00:28:57.450 --> 00:29:08.100 Jose Aguto: And so we have a covenant our charge in the United States with doing that weaving through education, facilitating inspiring organizing galvanizing advocating a many, many verbs. 127 00:29:08.640 --> 00:29:18.390 Jose Aguto: To bring this with our partners in the United States with our constituents or 10s of thousands of constituents and through particular programs, for example. 128 00:29:21.000 --> 00:29:25.680 Jose Aguto: Here, this is a, this is the Covenant page front page you'll see. 129 00:29:26.730 --> 00:29:33.900 Jose Aguto: We are working with the Vatican, with regard to the implementation of that console doubt to see an actual platform which we'll talk about a little bit later. 130 00:29:34.470 --> 00:29:44.310 Jose Aguto: You see advocacy right here in the second box, where we were advocating for the build back better bill also making specific mention of the hope for carbon pricing. 131 00:29:44.760 --> 00:29:57.330 Jose Aguto: And we also have, for example, our Catholic energies program where we work with Catholic institutions across the country to get solar onto onto their lands or onto their roofs and so, for example. 132 00:29:58.650 --> 00:30:00.450 Jose Aguto: This was just recently shown. 133 00:30:01.530 --> 00:30:09.030 Jose Aguto: In yells of climate communication Center for climate communications our Catholic energies program put the largest solar array. 134 00:30:09.630 --> 00:30:19.260 Jose Aguto: In Washington DC on the lands of the missionaries of charity that St Teresa of Calcutta is order and they have a hospice in northeast DC. 135 00:30:19.950 --> 00:30:27.840 Jose Aguto: We we were charged with installing that for Catholic charities and now Catholic charities DC is now carbon neutral. 136 00:30:28.560 --> 00:30:40.590 Jose Aguto: And we also Catholic energies also has 16 dynasty 16 parishes in the diocese of Richmond who are putting solar on their roofs as well and we're working cross the country with other Catholic institutions. 137 00:30:42.120 --> 00:30:50.340 Jose Aguto: We also have a creation care teams and over 400 creation care teams exist in parishes and really disorders across the country. 138 00:30:50.760 --> 00:31:03.090 Jose Aguto: And we're also doing some youth young adult mobilization inspiring young adults who want to talk about climate action and want to talk about ecological conversion in prayer word indeed. 139 00:31:04.050 --> 00:31:14.640 Jose Aguto: And so that we can animate in a faith filled way climate action and meeting both the spiritual needs, as well as the advocacy needs of youth and young adults across the country. 140 00:31:17.220 --> 00:31:24.480 Jose Aguto: Lastly, from a non advocacy perspective, I wanted to talk about the lead out to see action platform, and this is an announcement by the Vatican. 141 00:31:25.110 --> 00:31:35.850 Jose Aguto: Five years or six years after the publication of blood out to see a desire to implement without to see in the integral astrology across seven sectors. 142 00:31:36.510 --> 00:31:46.860 Jose Aguto: Of the Catholic global Catholic Church around seven goals from prayer to word deed and to do so in a seven year journey. 143 00:31:47.400 --> 00:31:58.260 Jose Aguto: And we are, we are blessed to be the US implementation of the lead out to see action platform, if you go and you will see this load out to see goals here. 144 00:31:58.860 --> 00:32:12.750 Jose Aguto: And so across seven sectors, they will seek to do implement particular actions that will be sent out by the Vatican, in order to in order to embark on this seven year journey. 145 00:32:14.070 --> 00:32:28.770 Jose Aguto: So we the Covenant are the implemented through our website, we are all part of god's plan god's and you can see, we are also doing so in these seven sectors families parishes diocese etc. 146 00:32:30.120 --> 00:32:39.660 Jose Aguto: And I just want to briefly note, for example, it's very important that we engage with diocese and so you're seeing in the United States, that there are diocese that are stepping into. 147 00:32:40.410 --> 00:32:52.860 Jose Aguto: The vatican's initiative through their lead out to see action plans, seeing here the diocese of San Diego archdiocese of Washington DC the archdiocese of Atlanta, and we have approximately. 148 00:32:53.640 --> 00:33:03.780 Jose Aguto: 20 other diocese that are in process of doing this, so this is very exciting initiative or seeking again to weave care for creation into the life and Ministry of our church. 149 00:33:04.800 --> 00:33:08.700 Jose Aguto: Okay, so Lastly, and thank you for your patience here. 150 00:33:09.720 --> 00:33:11.340 Jose Aguto: want to talk about advocacy. 151 00:33:12.840 --> 00:33:27.720 Jose Aguto: We do so in ways that are familiar to many of you in that we see that of God and everyone that we seek to build bridges and to work across the aisles and not to demonize and to raise up. 152 00:33:28.110 --> 00:33:32.730 Jose Aguto: The shared dignity of all people, so that we can have the solutions that we need. 153 00:33:33.660 --> 00:33:40.140 Jose Aguto: In parlance, that would be loving my neighbor and, indeed, even in the Gospel Jesus calling for us to love thy enemy. 154 00:33:40.560 --> 00:33:51.390 Jose Aguto: And, knowing that this is exceptionally difficult during these times that we must still continue to have the needles of our moral compass pointed in that direction if we are going to believe in durable. 155 00:33:51.780 --> 00:34:04.110 Jose Aguto: and lasting peace in comedy across our society, we do so in partnership with others, we also do so with our with our own constituents through when you're familiar with the letter of engagement. 156 00:34:04.560 --> 00:34:13.230 Jose Aguto: I know you're all professionals about this, so you know about that, but two examples that i'll raise we we had a petition. 157 00:34:13.950 --> 00:34:20.520 Jose Aguto: Last year, calling for the administration and Congress to support build back better and all of those wonderful provisions. 158 00:34:20.970 --> 00:34:25.710 Jose Aguto: We worked with one of our partner organizations, the ignition solidarity network. 159 00:34:26.160 --> 00:34:37.440 Jose Aguto: And their constituents who are composed of young adults high schoolers and college students during their lobby day in November, they took the signatories of that letter and those petitions. 160 00:34:37.860 --> 00:34:46.980 Jose Aguto: To their meetings with their legislators, so that was a you know beautiful partnership, the second partnership that I absolutely am excited to talk about. 161 00:34:47.310 --> 00:35:07.560 Jose Aguto: Is the one with your Catholic action team ccls Catholic action team led by Steve Coleman and Andy finale and both Steve and Andy are also champions in the Covenant space with creation care teams, I would say almost single handedly they were able to get three of our bishops from. 162 00:35:08.760 --> 00:35:18.810 Jose Aguto: To recently in 2021 Bishop mcilroy from San Diego bishops stove lexington Kentucky and then Bishop when ski in Florida. 163 00:35:19.350 --> 00:35:33.630 Jose Aguto: and various ways to support carbon pricing explicitly with us, allowing us additional space to demonstrate that there is some support within the Catholic Church and within the Catholic hierarchy for carbon pricing. 164 00:35:34.290 --> 00:35:42.630 Jose Aguto: So absolutely delighted to have partnered with Steve until have leveraged and Andy until leverage their particular advocacy. 165 00:35:43.200 --> 00:35:50.400 Jose Aguto: That they did on their own in partnership so that we could bring a larger Catholic voice into this space. 166 00:35:51.300 --> 00:35:59.010 Jose Aguto: Lastly, i'll say, and I only found this out recently because we've been continuing to try and work with our West Virginia constituents and others. 167 00:35:59.670 --> 00:36:11.640 Jose Aguto: In some of the church leaders to promote not just carbon pricing, but build back better at large, but in that exploration just wanted to share and I shared this with Danny and Madeline Danny Richter and Madeline. 168 00:36:12.840 --> 00:36:14.100 Jose Aguto: A couple weeks ago. 169 00:36:16.710 --> 00:36:17.670 One second. 170 00:36:21.660 --> 00:36:22.890 Jose Aguto: Pope Francis. 171 00:36:24.120 --> 00:36:24.390 Jose Aguto: In. 172 00:36:26.370 --> 00:36:30.660 Jose Aguto: voice support for carbon pricing and if you can see the highlighted text here. 173 00:36:31.650 --> 00:36:47.700 Jose Aguto: So I so feel free to use this to say that, at least at some point in 2019 to Pope Francis expressly supported carbon pricing and feel free to use that in your advocacy and so with that I will close and thank you for your patience and I apologize that it went over a bit. 174 00:36:51.150 --> 00:37:00.120 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Oh no apologies needed Jose Thank you, it was so uplifting to hear about all the different things that the Catholic climate covenant is doing. 175 00:37:00.960 --> 00:37:11.940 Madeleine Para | CCL President: and be reminded of the size and reach of the Catholic Church and, of course, we always love hearing about the collaboration that you've had with our Catholic action T. 176 00:37:13.410 --> 00:37:15.810 Madeleine Para | CCL President: flannery what are you seeing in the Q amp a. 177 00:37:17.010 --> 00:37:36.720 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: Alright, our most uploaded question or top question here, says the strongest opposition, I hear to progress on climate comes sometimes from Christians, some of whom are members of Congress, and this voluntary is asking why you think that might be and what can we do to change that. 178 00:37:40.170 --> 00:37:42.210 Jose Aguto: wow that's a great question um. 179 00:37:48.390 --> 00:37:54.120 Jose Aguto: But let me, let me start with an overarching context here, and I think, maybe, many people are already familiar with this. 180 00:37:55.170 --> 00:38:04.290 Jose Aguto: That, unfortunately, well, fortunately or unfortunately Americans, the strongest affiliation that they're centering on at this time is political. 181 00:38:04.950 --> 00:38:17.670 Jose Aguto: Not faith, and so I think a lot of the calculations that many of us Americans, including politicians do or based on their political affiliation or their economic interest and not their faith. 182 00:38:19.950 --> 00:38:33.210 Jose Aguto: That being said, in during these times and metal and you made mention of this and you know the the the sober reality of January 6 and the divergent responses of our are two major political parties. 183 00:38:35.130 --> 00:38:41.700 Jose Aguto: Were feeling a little bit more we're feeling compelled to really speak directly to the faith dimension. 184 00:38:42.780 --> 00:38:45.090 Jose Aguto: That a politician is. 185 00:38:46.950 --> 00:38:54.120 Jose Aguto: claiming to be a part of, and to do so in a good way, not in a judgmental way but i'm so just envisioning this in my head. 186 00:38:54.720 --> 00:39:00.060 Jose Aguto: Because we are thinking about this very seriously with our faith partners to be going to the hill. 187 00:39:00.600 --> 00:39:09.810 Jose Aguto: and hoping to speak with the legislators and to say you know if you are indeed a Catholic, and we all share the same faith and the same principles. 188 00:39:10.560 --> 00:39:25.440 Jose Aguto: Can we speak on that level, can you make decisions, you know, based on what you understand from your faith and in this way it's sort of moves aside the other calculations that may be in in the basket. 189 00:39:26.850 --> 00:39:38.220 Jose Aguto: basket of calculations and then we're coming purely as fellow Christians or you know have other fellow faith traditions and those concepts and that's really where we're getting to. 190 00:39:39.810 --> 00:39:41.790 Jose Aguto: During these precarious times. 191 00:39:45.060 --> 00:39:51.750 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: Alright, our next question is our church leaders talking to elected officials to encourage them to take climate action. 192 00:39:56.640 --> 00:39:57.090 Jose Aguto: Well, I know. 193 00:39:58.230 --> 00:40:02.790 Jose Aguto: We are um I would say as an overarching matter in my. 194 00:40:04.050 --> 00:40:17.880 Jose Aguto: Know we're a large church and we have we have different actors, you know advocating for different things, for example, a Catholic relief services will be very you know active in international aid and you know the same with. 195 00:40:18.960 --> 00:40:23.550 Jose Aguto: With Catholic charities with regards to domesticate and food and things like that so. 196 00:40:25.770 --> 00:40:30.570 Jose Aguto: I would say that we are working with church leaders to lift up this dimension. 197 00:40:30.990 --> 00:40:47.550 Jose Aguto: Of the suite of of Catholic priorities I would admit to saying that it is not a top priority for most of them it is actually our job at the Covenant to lift up this dimension across the broad panoply of their legislative priorities. 198 00:40:49.800 --> 00:41:02.100 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: All right, alright um this question is from Joanne she says my chapter doesn't have any active Catholic Members what would be the best way for us to connect our message with local Catholic leaders and congregations. 199 00:41:03.360 --> 00:41:03.810 Jose Aguto: well. 200 00:41:04.140 --> 00:41:07.320 Jose Aguto: Well, I love to work with you, directly or in and also my colleagues. 201 00:41:07.890 --> 00:41:26.070 Jose Aguto: As I mentioned, we have you know 400 creation care teams and given the vatican's huge lift to implementation we're excited to launch and have incentive incentivize Catholics across the country so let's do some matching some asset mapping on that that's okay. 202 00:41:30.150 --> 00:41:34.350 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: All right, and Madeline what time do we need to how much time do we have for questions. 203 00:41:35.370 --> 00:41:37.110 Madeleine Para | CCL President: We have two or three more minutes. 204 00:41:37.200 --> 00:41:40.380 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: Okay um let's see. 205 00:41:41.970 --> 00:41:44.070 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: uh okay this question. 206 00:41:46.110 --> 00:41:58.290 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: says well first this questioner says, thank you Jose for all these important initiatives and then they asked are there interfaith efforts to promote these actions among leaders of other faiths, can you speak to any interfaith stuff you're aware of. 207 00:42:00.030 --> 00:42:04.530 Jose Aguto: With regard to the vatican's lead out to see action platform. 208 00:42:06.810 --> 00:42:08.190 Jose Aguto: or just generally speaking. 209 00:42:08.730 --> 00:42:10.620 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: I think, just in general on climate. 210 00:42:11.310 --> 00:42:15.300 Jose Aguto: Okay, so we do work, I would say, from an interface perspective. 211 00:42:16.380 --> 00:42:17.730 Jose Aguto: On the advocacy level. 212 00:42:19.530 --> 00:42:27.720 Jose Aguto: I will admit on the program level, because this is such a heavy lift and the uptake is a small percentage of the Catholic Church right now and. 213 00:42:28.140 --> 00:42:44.100 Jose Aguto: Given the vastness that I mentioned, for example, 16,000 parishes that we are primarily focused on getting your Catholics and appears to step into the programmatic dimensions but from again from an advocacy perspective we do work on an interface. 214 00:42:45.750 --> 00:42:52.890 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: gotcha okay so for our last question here we'll take this one that says Could you provide some specific ways. 215 00:42:53.850 --> 00:43:06.030 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: Oh, we need the first part of the question she says the Catholic University, where I work, signed on to the La auto see action platform Could you provide some specific ways we could partner with CCL to achieve some of the LSA P goals. 216 00:43:07.320 --> 00:43:18.960 Jose Aguto: partner with CCL on cat on that colleges and university i'm not sure I can answer that question, but what I can say is that i'm just going to do a quick share screen here first. 217 00:43:21.120 --> 00:43:24.450 Jose Aguto: Pardon me that there is a tremendous. 218 00:43:25.860 --> 00:43:33.480 Jose Aguto: There is a tremendous initiative by Loyola university Chicago that was developed. 219 00:43:34.710 --> 00:43:36.960 Jose Aguto: and adapted by. 220 00:43:38.280 --> 00:43:42.120 Jose Aguto: The Vatican to get these. 221 00:43:44.100 --> 00:43:49.590 Jose Aguto: colleges and Catholic colleges and universities into interaction. 222 00:43:53.670 --> 00:43:55.290 Jose Aguto: Pardon me sorry, here we go. 223 00:43:57.030 --> 00:44:18.060 Jose Aguto: And so, if you want to go to our we are god's planet this lead out to see university pathways is the gold standard for how universities will step into activity with regard to lead out of see and then probably there will be ways in which your CCL chapters can also be a part of that. 224 00:44:19.860 --> 00:44:22.020 Flannery Winchester | CCL Communications Director: Thank you, thank you. 225 00:44:22.050 --> 00:44:22.560 Jose Aguto: Thank you. 226 00:44:23.790 --> 00:44:33.960 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Thank you so much Jose and I look forward to a great deal to us continuing to partner and work together and see what in our different. 227 00:44:35.100 --> 00:44:45.480 Madeleine Para | CCL President: orbits and ways and populations that we can keep moving things forward so here's to tremendous success for the Catholic climate covenant in 2022. 228 00:44:46.740 --> 00:44:46.950 Jose Aguto: there. 229 00:44:46.980 --> 00:44:58.860 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Chris yeah you're totally welcome to stay on for the rest of the call you might be interested in the legislative update that Gentile is about to give, but I just deeply appreciate your taking the time on the weekend to be with us. 230 00:44:59.430 --> 00:45:02.310 Jose Aguto: Thank you, thank you, a blessing to be with you all yeah. 231 00:45:03.840 --> 00:45:16.800 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Okay, so um I want to welcome and introduce Jen Tyler who is one of our directors of government affairs, she is a wonderful addition to our staff, she has years of experience on the hill. 232 00:45:17.550 --> 00:45:27.330 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Particularly serving as staff to the Republican representative john cat cow so Jen help us understand what's going on, I know it's hard. 233 00:45:28.830 --> 00:45:38.430 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: No thanks thanks Madeline and I want to start with something that will hopefully allow a lot of us to take a collective exhale and saying that build back better is not over, with I know there were some remarks before. 234 00:45:38.850 --> 00:45:44.370 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: The holiday break about sending her mentioned being a no boat but it's been confirmed it's not dead. 235 00:45:44.730 --> 00:45:53.850 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: And at the same time, I think that also might drive some of us a bit crazy, given how long this entire process has been how hard you've all been working on it, but it's dragging out further. 236 00:45:54.630 --> 00:46:02.670 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: is pretty exhausting and frustrating and Congress has this uncanny ability to drag everything out and make it much more complicated than anyone thinks it should be. 237 00:46:03.090 --> 00:46:10.440 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: But even though we're not at the finish line there's definitely been progress your calls or emails they're all making a big difference so. 238 00:46:11.040 --> 00:46:15.120 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: here's where things stand, currently we're entering a new round of negotiations. 239 00:46:15.420 --> 00:46:22.590 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: As I mentioned, Senator mentioned before the Christmas break said he was a no vote, but since then we've had confirmations from leader schumer. 240 00:46:22.890 --> 00:46:28.740 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: From the White House and from Senator mentioned himself saying that negotiations on build back better on the reconciliation bill. 241 00:46:29.070 --> 00:46:39.390 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: are continuing leader schumer even promised to bring the bill to the floor for a vote, so all signs are indicating that negotiations are continuing, everyone is still working to reach a final agreement. 242 00:46:40.170 --> 00:46:48.090 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: I think even more promising them those remarks were the remarks that Senator manchin made earlier this week, he said that the climate provisions for the least controversial. 243 00:46:48.360 --> 00:46:52.800 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: And would be the easiest to reach an agreement on think that sounds like music to a lot of our ears. 244 00:46:53.460 --> 00:47:04.320 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: it's still unclear exactly what the points of discussion are in climate So what are the specific policies that have been agreed to what are some outstanding concerns that Senator mansion and some others might have we're not sure on. 245 00:47:04.650 --> 00:47:07.920 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: But it is clear that the climate provisions themselves are not dead. 246 00:47:08.550 --> 00:47:19.920 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: Turning to what we focus on mostly the price on carbon it's still uncertain how likely, that is to be included it's still an uphill battle, but we are here unconfirmed reports from our allies in the Senate. 247 00:47:20.160 --> 00:47:25.740 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: That Senator mentioned has not close the door on that and I know our West Virginia folks are doing great outreach there. 248 00:47:26.610 --> 00:47:30.960 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: So, all in all we're hearing this reaffirmation that they're continuing to work on go back better. 249 00:47:31.410 --> 00:47:34.680 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: But the question still remains what's the timeline since it's being dragged out. 250 00:47:35.010 --> 00:47:44.430 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: And I want to take a step back and provide you with a little more of an overview of what Congress has going on there's still a lot on their plates, the same as there was in December. 251 00:47:44.970 --> 00:47:51.900 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: The next couple of weeks, the Senate has committed to dedicating to voting rights after that they're going to have to deal with the president's budget. 252 00:47:52.290 --> 00:47:57.150 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: The state of the Union address is the first week in March and then they'll have to fund the government once again. 253 00:47:57.630 --> 00:48:03.990 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: And this is all going to have to happen, while koba cases that are are at an all time high on the hill like they are all around the country. 254 00:48:04.410 --> 00:48:11.700 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: offices are trying to figure out how do we go back to remote working, how do we have safe in person voting for members of Congress and the House in the Senate. 255 00:48:12.420 --> 00:48:18.060 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: So this is all to say that the timeline on build back better, but on a lot of things remains very much in flux. 256 00:48:18.390 --> 00:48:24.510 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: Most likely we're looking at a two to three month timeline before this all wraps up on build back better and the reconciliation bill. 257 00:48:25.440 --> 00:48:30.840 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: So coming back to what does this mean for us, what does this mean for CCL, why are we doing another call to action right now. 258 00:48:31.350 --> 00:48:40.440 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: Like I said overall there's a lot of promising statements coming from key senators, including Senator mansion on the likelihood of getting these robust climate policies across the finish line. 259 00:48:41.550 --> 00:48:48.870 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: The battle for a price on carbon it's still an uphill one, but our champions in the Senate, who have been fighting for this since day one, just like you all have. 260 00:48:49.230 --> 00:48:54.210 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: are going to continue fighting for price until we deal is signed into law and that's exactly what we're going to do. 261 00:48:54.960 --> 00:49:03.120 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: I also want everyone to take a moment to reflect on the victories we've had along the way, I know we all look at the final product what's going to be in the bill in the long run. 262 00:49:03.510 --> 00:49:13.710 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: But we can't lose sight of what we're doing in this process, getting nearly every senator in favor of a carbon price is no small feat that's not something I think many people would have expected. 263 00:49:14.400 --> 00:49:21.120 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: Even a few months ago, so that's a huge huge victory that we definitely have to keep in mind and take stock of and be very proud of. 264 00:49:21.870 --> 00:49:28.860 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: And I also want to remember that, with or without a price this bill is going to be the largest climate investment in our nation's history either way. 265 00:49:29.250 --> 00:49:34.050 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: So we have to keep the pressure up to make this across the finish line and to make it better. 266 00:49:34.740 --> 00:49:39.330 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: and, specifically, why is call of action, why are we, focusing on the White House senate democrats. 267 00:49:39.690 --> 00:49:47.070 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: When we've heard from our key allies in the Senate, but the White House continues to be a bit of a weak spot on climate and bill back better negotiations. 268 00:49:47.490 --> 00:49:56.730 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: we're hearing that they definitely definitely need more of a push in the right direction, they need to hear a little bit more from everyday folks about the importance of climate, so that they. 269 00:49:57.120 --> 00:50:02.310 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: are joining these conversations with a little more gusto behind their commitment to the climate revisions. 270 00:50:02.640 --> 00:50:08.370 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: So as negotiations start back up, we need to make sure the White House and Senate democrats continue to hear your voices. 271 00:50:08.700 --> 00:50:14.370 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: On the importance of climate action generally in this bill getting that across the finish line, including the price on carbon. 272 00:50:15.090 --> 00:50:21.990 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: And lastly, I just want to say I know Madeline mentioned some of this, but this has been such a long process much longer than any of us anticipated. 273 00:50:22.410 --> 00:50:29.520 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: But I just want everyone to remember that your progress and progress we're making shows how important your outreach has been it's already paying off. 274 00:50:29.850 --> 00:50:37.800 Jennifer Tyler | Director of Government Affairs: So we should all be hardened and how much our work is already making a difference, how far we've already come and we just need to keep it up to make sure that Congress gets this done. 275 00:50:42.990 --> 00:50:47.970 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Thank you so much, and that is really, really helpful and. 276 00:50:49.200 --> 00:50:52.140 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Keep up the great work guys there and our tct. 277 00:50:54.420 --> 00:51:04.380 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So we're going to jump to our actions next if you have questions from what Jen was talking about where we're not going to take them now we're going to ask you to put them in the forums and community. 278 00:51:04.830 --> 00:51:08.520 Madeleine Para | CCL President: As we always do with our questions, because that way lots and lots of people could see them. 279 00:51:09.600 --> 00:51:17.490 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So as Jen said for the next one to three months or for however long it takes budget reconciliation is our top priority. 280 00:51:18.150 --> 00:51:26.550 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And you know, whatever you personally think the odds of our success our it's our job to increase those ads if we possibly can. 281 00:51:27.240 --> 00:51:39.390 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So turn out all the emails to buy it and also the democratic senators that you can respond and keep using CCL slash take hyphen action that should be familiar right now. 282 00:51:40.560 --> 00:51:53.130 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And I suggest that as you're doing that, in particular with you as you're asking your friends and family or sympathetic organizations to join us in this action, give them the heads up that you might. 283 00:51:53.550 --> 00:52:09.720 Madeleine Para | CCL President: ask them to do it again as events unfold in DC right now we're letting Biden, and the politicians know that we haven't gone away in a month or two, we might need to say more to them, based on the content of their negotiations so we're going to keep putting everything we have in the mobilizing. 284 00:52:10.860 --> 00:52:25.170 Madeleine Para | CCL President: When you go to CCL slash take hyphen action you'll see the progress bar you'll see that we are three quarters of the way to the initial goal that we set of 10,000 contacts that is totally fantastic. 285 00:52:25.650 --> 00:52:37.410 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And I want us to blow past that 10,000 really quickly and then I want us to keep going let's just call it an unstoppable surge can we get to twice that number just keep going folks. 286 00:52:38.280 --> 00:52:57.960 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Right, so I don't notice how many there are in a call, but on the call right now with is generally more than 1000 I invite you to queue up CCL slash take hyphen action if you haven't done this already and then as soon as the call is over, you can send out your emails yourself. 287 00:52:59.430 --> 00:53:06.720 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So that's the first action for January the Second Action sets the stage for your work for the rest of the year. 288 00:53:07.410 --> 00:53:16.440 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So you're starting at this month, but it's something you'll keep coming back to we've identified three big priority actions to keep coming back to throughout 2022. 289 00:53:17.370 --> 00:53:22.530 Madeleine Para | CCL President: The first one is to make your group stronger by being an oasis in the storm to everybody who comes. 290 00:53:23.160 --> 00:53:27.930 Madeleine Para | CCL President: we've been saying we need each other, and we need our friendships in order to stay afloat and these challenging times. 291 00:53:28.530 --> 00:53:42.240 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So try not to let your urgency to get to the actions squeeze out the time for people to connect even a little bit of time spent checking in with each other at every meeting at heart, and says to stay in action instead of maybe hiding under the covers. 292 00:53:43.560 --> 00:53:55.050 Madeleine Para | CCL President: All right, the second priority action for the year is focused on Community education and outreach last year, you did a super job with APP it's blowing past all previous years. 293 00:53:55.500 --> 00:54:03.090 Madeleine Para | CCL President: i'd like to see 2020 to be a year that we do that with presentations whether they're virtual or in person, however, you need to do them. 294 00:54:03.810 --> 00:54:09.420 Madeleine Para | CCL President: We have a really fantastic presenters action team and we're also going to be providing more staff, support for this. 295 00:54:09.900 --> 00:54:16.200 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And the goal your presentations should be to tell stories that move more people in your community to action, which I think. 296 00:54:16.890 --> 00:54:23.430 Madeleine Para | CCL President: means helping them see both what's been done already, and how and what more is needed, and how they can help. 297 00:54:24.330 --> 00:54:30.510 Madeleine Para | CCL President: We went to the politicians, then, to see a growing demand for action during this election year because of that work. 298 00:54:31.350 --> 00:54:41.730 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And that speaks to the third priority action it's all about the elections, so going back to mission impossible your mission should you choose to accept it. 299 00:54:42.240 --> 00:54:54.210 Madeleine Para | CCL President: is to use every lever of political will, you have this year and repeatedly get the message to all candidates running for Congress or locally, that the voters want more action on climate change. 300 00:54:55.290 --> 00:55:09.240 Madeleine Para | CCL President: You don't even have to be that specific about what solutions you want we'll work with Congress on that, through our lobby lover simply make it clear, as the campaign's ramp up that lots of voters want more climate action from Congress. 301 00:55:10.350 --> 00:55:13.080 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So here's a way to think of the year, think of it like a gardener. 302 00:55:13.830 --> 00:55:24.210 Madeleine Para | CCL President: you're bringing budget reconciliation to harvest by giving your nearly full grown plant aka the build back better act, a great deal of your attention. 303 00:55:24.810 --> 00:55:27.930 Madeleine Para | CCL President: For as long as it takes for that fruit to ripen up. 304 00:55:28.770 --> 00:55:43.860 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And you're simultaneously building up the fertility of the soil, through your presentations and engagement with all candidates, so that the next Congress can grow a good crop of climate legislation and make lots of friends, of course, while you tend to regard climate gardens. 305 00:55:45.570 --> 00:55:53.220 Madeleine Para | CCL President: I see i'm going to tell you, real quick about three upcoming conferences if you're a conservative, we have an event for you on march 29 30th. 306 00:55:53.850 --> 00:56:01.380 Madeleine Para | CCL President: We are organizing a conservative climate leadership conference in person in Washington DC it's an event only for conservatives. 307 00:56:01.800 --> 00:56:08.850 Madeleine Para | CCL President: are lining up republican members of Congress of speakers, people like representative curtis with hopefully Senator murkowski. 308 00:56:09.270 --> 00:56:22.290 Madeleine Para | CCL President: As well as leaders from ECO rights organizations to facilitate conservatives coming together to move powerfully on climate so we're making invitations now and you'll see on the land on the landing page for the event. 309 00:56:23.880 --> 00:56:34.140 Madeleine Para | CCL President: As as people get actually signed on with members of Congress it's hard to get them to commit early, but we are encouraged very encouraged about who we think will be able to get. 310 00:56:34.980 --> 00:56:42.930 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Whatever does or doesn't happen by a budget reconciliation, we know we're going to need all political parties fully engaged on the problem. 311 00:56:43.440 --> 00:56:52.830 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So this conference is our way of saying CCL never stopped doing conservative outreach during budget reconciliation, but if you thought we did well then we're back. 312 00:56:54.270 --> 00:57:01.920 Madeleine Para | CCL President: Now just briefly if you're a liberal leaning Member please support the event, by helping Conservatives, you know, to get there, but please don't try to come yourself. 313 00:57:02.400 --> 00:57:21.510 Madeleine Para | CCL President: This event, so that conservatives can be 100% themselves, while they're there and support each other, and there is an application process, you can get the details at CCL slash conservative conference that one doesn't have a hyphen CCL slash conservative conference. 314 00:57:22.770 --> 00:57:30.180 Madeleine Para | CCL President: The next conference is for each and every one of you are doing national conference will be in person in Washington DC June 12 to 14. 315 00:57:31.110 --> 00:57:33.960 Madeleine Para | CCL President: We expect to open registration in February. 316 00:57:34.620 --> 00:57:42.900 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And yes, it will be possible to participate remotely remotely, but if you can find a way to come in person and it's safe for you, we promise to knock your socks off. 317 00:57:43.230 --> 00:57:50.700 Madeleine Para | CCL President: or taking a fresh look at everything about the Conference, so that you come away when you go back home connected informed and empowered. 318 00:57:51.630 --> 00:57:58.980 Madeleine Para | CCL President: i'll just also mention that mark Reynolds will be there and will be loving him up in some way, so in my mind that's another reason to come if you can. 319 00:57:59.700 --> 00:58:10.950 Madeleine Para | CCL President: write diversity and inclusion team has also inspired and will be organizing a virtual conference in September and I plan to be at that whenever it is a couple of quick numbers for you. 320 00:58:12.120 --> 00:58:27.000 Madeleine Para | CCL President: In 2021 supporters used our online action tools to write call tweet and submit LTE 215,120 times 28,853 calls were made via the monthly calling campaign. 321 00:58:28.590 --> 00:58:35.040 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And CCL Community became our most visited website with just over 2 million page views. 322 00:58:35.580 --> 00:58:50.610 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And you used it, you went to it so many times to support your action you used it to take 3,674,086 discrete actions like posting on forums downloading resources and rsvp to events. 323 00:58:51.420 --> 00:58:59.880 Madeleine Para | CCL President: So that is our call before you go on to your group meeting of the rest of your weekend, please go to CCL slash take hyphen action. 324 00:59:00.210 --> 00:59:09.150 Madeleine Para | CCL President: and send those emails President Biden, and your senators or somebody in your household to do it if you already have i've done it, it was easy Thank you. 325 00:59:11.940 --> 00:59:14.550 CC sellers, are you tired. 326 00:59:15.690 --> 00:59:19.380 Of course you you've been sprinting for 13 years. 327 00:59:21.150 --> 00:59:35.730 Madeleine Para | CCL President: And this year, we have the audacity to ask you to pick up the pace to hold this man to his promise the United States sets out on the road to cut a greenhouse gases in half, by the end of this decade, and you didn't disappoint. 328 00:59:38.340 --> 00:59:38.910 You showed. 329 00:59:40.020 --> 00:59:47.160 The kind of grit that will go down without a fight that will give us a letter or shut up until the goal is a key. 330 00:59:48.090 --> 01:00:01.380 We look at you, in all and, above all, gratitude gratitude for your listening ears, for your perceptive hearts gratitude for your focus for your dedication your preparation your great. 331 01:00:02.640 --> 01:00:06.510 We are grateful for you and the banner year we've created together. 332 01:00:07.680 --> 01:00:08.040 Now. 333 01:00:10.110 --> 01:00:11.460 let's go make another one.