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About Us
Action Team
We welcome members from all Buddhist traditions and schools, as well as those who value Buddhist perspectives but are not connected to any specific tradition and may not label themselves as "Buddhist" at all. 

In our monthly meetings, we typically open with a few minutes of silence, then explore together the intersection of Buddhist principles and climate action. We especially appreciate CCL’s core values, as they so closely align with our own.

In 2023, we're focusing on lovingkindness meditation as a way to bridge the many divides that increasingly distract people from joining together to quickly and effectively stop climate change. Our goal is to provide at least one workshop for our CCL colleagues on this ancient practice.

We're listening to Sharon Salzberg's 10-Day Lovingkindness Challenge to center our efforts. Please see the Event Calendar for the specific sessions we'll discuss at each meeting. 

Upcoming Events

No events scheduled yet, but stay tuned!