Weekly Briefing: After Hottest Month On Record, Help Others Get Active On Climate
August 2, 2023
The numbers are in, folks, and it’s all over the headlines: July 2023 was Earth’s hottest month on record. It was the hottest by a large margin, too — nearly 0.3 degrees Celsius.
CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli breaks down the data in the Nerd Corner, explaining, “Usually when we get a new record-hot month, it will be by a couple hundredths of a degree, not a couple tenths of a degree,” so this month’s global temperatures are notably extreme.
Though it’s difficult to forecast at this point, Dana says, “It's more likely than not that 2023 will be the hottest year on record.”
Most people (who aren’t CCL volunteers, that is) might read that news and think, “Yikes! Well, what do I do?” Lots of your friends, family, coworkers and social media followers have probably seen the headlines and are wondering that very thing.
Help the people in your life channel their climate worries into a productive push for change by becoming a CCL volunteer. Invite them to CCL’s weekly informational session, or drop them a link to join CCL.
Together, we’re building enough political will that Congress has to take major climate action. Let’s keep at it!
Share the Info SessionIn other news this week:
• Lobbying lessons in new Yale article: CCL is featured in a new Yale Climate Connections article about lobbying elected officials on climate change.
• Luxembourg boosts its carbon price: On Friday, Luxembourg approved a plan to increase to its carbon price and boost the tax credit it gives to low-income households. Progress like this from around the world helps us keep up the drumbeat for a price on carbon here at home.
Take action this week
If you have a little time: Share this CCL graphic. Even with all the alarming climate impacts we’re seeing this summer, it’s not too late to do something about climate change — and 98% of people know it. Share this graphic from CCL’s Instagram or Twitter accounts.
If you have more time: Schedule tabling and clipboarding. When it's not too hot, members of your community are out and about attending fairs, festivals, art walks, and other outdoor events this time of year. Work with your volunteers to schedule tabling and clipboarding opportunities. Don’t forget your new Clean Energy Permitting Reform handouts!
Featured chapter: CCL Portland, ME
CCL Portland, Maine, is a robust chapter led by Sarah Braik and Peter Dugas.
“We were the bulk of the 36 Mainers who traveled to the CCL June 2023 conference and lobbying meetings — a state record!” Peter says. The Portland group included 13 middle and high school students, and they held meetings with all four Maine offices, three of which were face to face with the lawmakers themselves.
Last month, the chapter published a wonderful op-ed in their local Portland papers, emphasizing the opportunity Mainers have to push their legislators for climate action. The piece beautifully highlighted that CCLers come “from all walks of life: young professionals using their skills for a better world; business owners motivated to stabilize energy costs; new Mainers knowing the plight of climate refugees; retirees fighting the injustices of pollution, and students rejecting cynicism to build the political will for a livable world.”
The chapter is also working the grasstops angle of their advocacy, as well. They met with the sustainability manager of a major outdoor recreation retailer in hopes of adding their support to the 150+ Maine businesses supporting national Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation or getting their CEO to sign a letter the chapter is assembling to Maine senators. Great work, Portland!
Have you logged your recent activities in the Action Tracker? Tell us what you and your chapter have been up to lately.
Action Tracker | Want your chapter to be featured? Share your info and photos with us.
Upcoming trainings
8/3: PROVE IT Act & Carbon Border Adjustments - Join CCL's Research Team to learn what Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs) are, the importance of accurate carbon content calculations, and what the PROVE IT Act does to help the U.S. get a firmer understanding of our domestic industry's lower carbon content advantage. Join us!
8/10: Attending Town Halls During the August Recess - Members of Congress are working in their districts and states this month. Attend this training to learn how to find and attend their local town hall meetings and make connections to climate change. Join us!
Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:
8/8: Grasstops Engagement Basics - CCL's National Actions Director, Todd Elvins, will lead this webinar on how to conduct outreach to community leaders in your area and beyond. Join us!
To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
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