Grassroots Outreach Basics
Everything you need to know about beginning to engage your community on climate and take action!
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Grassroots Outreach Basics
This training discusses paperless constituent messaging during outreach events such as tabling, presentations, and film screenings. You may want to try this in your chapter, especially if you are in a metropolitan area, or if you conduct outreach at large-scale events.
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Paperless Grassroots Outreach
This training provides advice on how to transition to paperless constituent messaging during outreach events such as tabling, presentations, and film screenings. You may want to try this in your chapter, especially if you are in a metropolitan area, or if you conduct outreach at large scale events.
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Getting Started with Community Outreach
Whether you want to educate others or build relationships, outreach to specific communities is integral to building political will. This training walks through how to begin to engage with other organizations in a respectful, understanding and productive way.
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