Core Volunteer Trainings
Basic trainings to get you up and running. For new volunteers or anyone who could use a brush-up on a specific topic.
Self-Paced Training
As you work through the self paced training below, please connect with your local CCL chapter and find time to attend one of our quarterly Climate Advocate Workshops online.
CCL's Policy Agenda
Citizens’ Climate’s mission is to create the political will for a livable world, and we won’t stop working until we have a healthy and stable climate. We advocate for an array of policies, including carbon pricing, that are effective in reducing net emissions and building bridges both in Congress and in our communities.
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Lobbying Basics: Planning & Practicing Your Meeting
This training specifically addresses how to prepare yourself for a successful meeting with a member of Congress. You will learn about CCL's methodology, research tips, available tools, lobby meeting roles and parts, the value of practice, and the power of listening.
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CCL Media Basics
This training helps review the quick steps you can take to get started with your media work, plus some ideas for ways you could go further if you have additional time, energy, or volunteers.
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Social Media Basics
An introduction to how you can use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok in your work with CCL..
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Understanding Congress Basics
Brush up on the basics of how a bill becomes a law, and get insights into what it's like to work and make policy on Capitol Hill.
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Grassroots Outreach Basics
Everything you need to prepare for successful tabling events and public presentations.
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Grasstops Engagement Basics
Learn how to engage the support of your local community leaders for climate action, and how we collaborate and organize their support to influence Congress.
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Chapter Development Basics
This training has been designed to demystify the process of starting, growing and running a CCL chapter, and to give potential group leaders an overarching understanding of what’s involved and what’s possible.
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Preventing Burnout as a Climate Advocate
Climate work can feel heavy and hard. This training is an opportunity to learn about burnout, how to prevent it, and to practice a few of the steps that can help with recognizing and improving your own experience
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The Economics Of Carbon Fee & Dividend Policies
Learn about the economic case for carbon fee and dividend.
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Telling Compelling Stories
This training focuses on the value of storytelling and how to harness and tell our own compelling climate story. For this training, it will be helpful to have a notebook handy in order to capture details of what you might include in your personal story.
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Communicating with Conservatives
Best practices for communicating with people of different political beliefs including specific advice for conservative communities.
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Communicating with Progressives
Best practices for communicating with people of different political beliefs including specific advice for progressive communities.
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Climate Change Science Basics
Join our climate scientist action team to learn about the scientific evidence for climate change, and answers common questions.
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CCL Community Website Walkthrough
The training focuses on helping volunteers navigate CCL's primary websites and how to make the best use of the information and resources available.
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