Weekly Briefing: Make Your Mark With A Monthly Donation

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March 6, 2024

 Lobbying works. It’s why corporations spend billions of dollars on it every year.

578090d98806da03ae6e497dfbb31e53-huge-snWe don’t have corporate billions — but with your help, we can raise the funds we need to make lobbying work for the planet, not for profit.

Starting now, you have the opportunity to quadruple your impact: All new and increased monthly donations started in March will be matched $3-to-$1 for 3 months! That means your support goes further than ever to stop the planet from overheating.

Your support will help CCL:

-Pass more climate bills (we’ve helped 6 get signed into law so far!)

-Recruit and train more citizen lobbyists

-Bring more citizens to D.C.

-Host more climate outreach events, and a lot more!

Sign up to make a monthly donation to Citizens’ Climate Lobby today.

I'll Give Monthly

If you’re already giving monthly, thank you! Please consider increasing your monthly gift amount, and the difference will be matched. 

In other news this week:

• Carbon pricing potential makes headlines: A few major tax policy changes coming up in 2025 and 2026 might create “a kind of celestial alignment in favor of” a national carbon price, Heatmap News reports this week. Read the article or share it from CCL’s FacebookX, or Threads profiles.

• Most Republicans support expanding clean energy: E&E News reported this week on new Pew Research opinion numbers, which find that most young Republican voters think the U.S. should prioritize developing renewable energy over expanding fossil fuels. CCL Conservative Outreach Director Drew Eyerly is quoted in the piece saying, “As the climate conversation advances on the political right, we see more and more support for energy options that don’t create carbon pollution.”

• Study shows impact of carbon price after IRA: Our friends at the Climate Leadership Council published a new paper exploring the impact of a carbon price now that the Inflation Reduction Act is in effect. CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli put that paper in context of other new findings from the Hamilton Project and Brookings Institution in this Nerd Corner thread.

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Contact Congress about the PROVE IT Act. Already this year, we’ve seen a ton of momentum around the bipartisan PROVE IT Act. In January, it passed out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee after a wave of phone calls from CCLers. We’re hopeful that a House companion bill will be introduced soon, too, if we can keep this momentum going! Use our easy online action tool to send a quick message to your members of Congress and ask them to cosponsor this bill.

If you have more time: Attend CCL’s March meeting this weekend. At CCL’s March meeting on Saturday, we’ll hear from Drew Eyerly, CCL’s Conservative Outreach Director, and Karina Ramirez, CCL’s Diversity & Inclusion Director, about how we as climate advocates can work better together even when we come from different backgrounds. We will also celebrate recent successes and share upcoming actions you can take this month. Plan to join us on Saturday at 1 p.m. ET  / 10 a.m. PT.

Featured: CCL Washington youth

CCL Washington youth volunteers, led by high school students Lindsey Desai and Jeremy Suzuki, recently organized and held an impressive 21-meeting lobby day at the state’s capitol.

The 16 students, ranging from 7th grade to 12th grade, began their lobby day at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the grounds of the state capitol. After snapping a group photo (above), the youth lobbyists kicked things off with four separate meetings all happening at 10 a.m. They kept up this ambitious pace throughout the day, ultimately meeting with 22 total offices in 21 meetings by the time they wrapped up at 4:15 p.m.

“I was super excited to talk to my state representatives about climate policy and get to hear their thoughts and encourage some collaboration across the aisle,” Lindsey says.

“I loved watching the legislators engage with the youth,” adds Michelle Williams, co-group leader of CCL’s Bellevue chapter. “They sit up and take notice when there are youth in the room.”

Read the full story of this fantastic youth lobby day on CCL’s blog.

See the Full Story

Upcoming trainings

3/7: Planning Your Spring In-District Drop-Off - Your members of Congress (MOCs) will be working in their district/state offices during the last week of March and first week of April. Attend this training for help planning a local drop-off of materials to show that climate policy has strong support in your district/state. Join us!

3/14: Empowering Your Requesting - The strength of CCL's chapters runs on volunteer leaders feeling empowered to make requests, especially requesting volunteers to participate. This session, led by Jean Ritok, former co-leader of the Raleigh-Durham chapter, will teach you how to do this effectively. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

3/12: Social Media Basics - Join CCL's Content Marketing Manager Elissa Tennant to learn the resources CCL has available to support you and your group’s use of Facebook, X and Instagram. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.

Nerd Corner Chart of the Week


A carbon price could get the US close to our Paris commitments

Join the discussion about the importance of a carbon price in a post-IRA world.

Posted by Brett Cease on Mar 7, 2024 12:53 PM America/Los_Angeles

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