Weekly Briefing: Will You Commit To Vote?

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October 9, 2024

We’re in the home stretch of the 2024 election, folks. Early voting has begun or will start soon all around the country, leading up to Election Day on Nov. 5 — less than 30 days away.

57e2aa9c93ec9db0539b63b115bf6139-huge-w.All year long, CCLers have been working hard to elevate the issue of climate change for candidates of both parties, in races up and down the ballot. We’ve been phone banking, postcarding, organizing candidate events, asking climate questions to candidates out on the campaign trail, and more. We want everyone running for office to see climate change as a high priority that matters to their potential voters.

There’s one more way to send that signal: cast your vote!

First, make your plan to vote. Decide how and when you’re going to vote, whether it’s early, by mail, or in person. Double check what’s on your ballot so you’re ready to make your selections.

Then, help others make their plan: Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to get ready to vote by forwarding them this email, sending them a quick text, or calling them up.

Click on the button below so we know you’re committed to voting.

I Commit to Voting

In other news this week:

  • Conservative Climate Summit: Rep. John Curtis (R-UT-03), who serves as head of the Conservative Climate Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, spearheaded the third annual Conservative Climate Summit last week. Local CCLers were in attendance, of course!
  • VP Harris backs permitting reform: Vice President Kamala Harris recently elevated permitting reform as part of an approach to “hasten the renewable energy transition,” E&E News reports.
  • RepublicEn attends CCL event: RepublicEn’s Chelsea Henderson attended CCL’s Third Coast Regional Conference in Galveston, Texas, at the end of September. She shared the experience in a new podcast episode that just dropped today.
  • A Braver Way: CCL is proud to be a supporting partner of “A Braver Way,” a podcast from our friends at Braver Angels, hosted by Mónica Guzmán. Tune into this week’s episode for insights and real life stories to help you move past divisiveness in politics and everyday life. (Plus, you’ll hear Mónica give a shout out to CCL!)

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Attend CCL’s October monthly meeting. This Saturday at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT, join us on Zoom for our October meeting. We are excited to have Akshat Rathi, senior reporter for Bloomberg News and author of the book Climate Capitalism, as our guest speaker this month. Plus, we’ll celebrate our volunteers’ incredible election engagement work and look ahead to the actions you can take throughout October. See you on Saturday!

If you have more time: Start to prep for fall lobbying. In just a few days, registration will open for CCL’s Fall Virtual Conference and lobbying push. Start to brainstorm with your chapter who might be able to join your lobby team, like volunteers who have been impacted by climate change, are new to lobbying, or are trusted voices in your community. Check out our October Action Sheet for more guidance.

Upcoming trainings

10/10: Using CCL's Action Tracker -This training will cover important details and updates about how to use CCL's Action Tracker, an online application that logs and display the actions CCL supporters are taking every day to build political will for climate action. Join us.

10/15: Grasstops Engagement Basics - One way to build momentum for climate solutions is to gain the support of local community leaders. Join CCL's National Action Director Todd Elvins, for a webinar on how to conduct outreach to grasstops leaders in your area and beyond. Join us!

10/17: Opportunities for a Carbon Price in the Next Congress - We expect the carbon pricing debate to ramp up in 2025, creating new opportunities to advance our goals of passing legislation that reduces pollution and protects households. Learn more about what next year’s carbon pricing debate could look like, and what CCL will prioritize in that discussion. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.

Nerd Corner Chart of the Week


Climate change increased Hurricane Helene rainfall by over 50% in some areas

Join the discussion about how climate change made Hurricane Helene more destructive.

Posted by Brett Cease on Oct 9, 2024 3:31 PM America/Los_Angeles

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