Rejection for tabling at Farmers Market due to assumed political nature of "lobby" group

Has anyone else encountered this? We were recently denied a booth at an upcoming farmers market where we have tabled for the last two years because of our organization's assumed political nature (since we have “lobby” in our name and that violates the guidelines for nonprofits at the market). They said we could come as Citizens Climate Education as long as we don't promote any specific legislation. Any advice on whether we should challenge this decision and point out the nonpartisan approach of the organization, or change the tabling approach to be more educational?

8 Replies
Bob James
1126 Posts

@Chris Eastland We have had to register under Citizens Climate Education but have had no problem sharing the legisaltive actions - so far

Steven Selby
233 Posts

Same here. I need to get a Citizens' Climate Education banner though.

Rob Johnson
247 Posts

@Chris Eastland

Tell them you won't do legislation at the table.

Rob Johnson
247 Posts

@Chris Eastland
C3 and C4 can both be non-partisan, the difference is C4 lobbies, C3 does not lobby.

We had similar restrictions when tabling at NYC Greenmarkets: "Citizens' Climate Education" banner & no legislation. We did it this way for one season but since then have just done flyering outside the perimeter of the greenmarket. Imo just as effective & not worth it if we can't get folks to take actions.

@Chris Eastland Hello. We are in a conservative area of southeastern Ohio. Our chapter was denied our request to table at our local farmers market. The reason: we would alienate vendors and customers because of our work on climate. I had phone conversations and sent detailed emails about CCL with references. They would not change their decision. We were also denied tabling at a local, well attended, yearly garden symposium. Once we were able to speak to the organizers a few months after the event, we were allowed to speak for 15 minutes at this year’s event. We did not receive much feedback and no one has joined. In spite of all this, we fortunately we have a small, cohesive chapter that just keeps going!

Rob Johnson
247 Posts

@Chris Eastland
The farmers market here does not allow politics or religion, They let us in, politics can mean different things, it may mean actual politics i.e. candidates or parties. They may not consider us “political” or they don't know what we are doing, either way I am not complaining, I want all the exposure I can get.

Rob Johnson
247 Posts

@Christine Drake
That attitude is why we are here. I encourage you to keep trying. I am in a conservative area here in NY. I have not been denied as yet. If you get denied, that means you are doing your job.

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