I'm not sure where to ask these questions, but do we have a copy of the reintroduced RISEE Act?  Is it the same as the version reported to the Senate?  

7 Replies
Hardy Almes
33 Posts

@Alan Mattlage

So the short version is that the reintroduced bill is identical to the bill from last congress.

The Congress.gov links for the reintroduced House and Senate bills are below

Senate: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/373/related-bills?s=1&r=2

House:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/913?s=1&r=1


A copy of the bill text is linked below as well



Mike Kelly
30 Posts

Hi… I wanted to raise a question about the RISEE Act that we heard from our MoC when we asked him to support this as a supporting ask in our last lobby meeting.  Apparently some tribes have concerns about offshore wind  - see for instance National Congress of American Indians calls for offshore wind moratorium - The Verge.  

I will probably pick one of the other supporting asks for June, but just interested in whether we have any response on this.

Brett Cease
3781 Posts

Great question @Mike Kelly! And I'm copying @Josephine Blatny and our DC team to help speak to what they know.

@Mike Kelly

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the question and provided article! We have not heard of any opposition to to RISEE from Native American tribes. The legislation would increase funding within the National Oceans Coastal Security Fund and would make Native American tribes' resiliency, habitat restoration, and sustainable seafood production efforts eligible for that funding. 

George Donart
144 Posts

@Hardy Almes  The RISEE Act has been changed from last Congress. 

While rewatching a CCU on the RISEE Act (@ ~ 14:50) from last year, I took note that the revenue pie has been resliced under the new bill (S. 373 / H.R. 913).  

Last year's bill (S. 2130/H.R. 9049) split the money: 50% to “eligible states”; 37.5%  to National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund;  and 12.5% to Treasury (general receipts).  

This year's bill switches those around to be 37.5% to states; 12.5% to NOCS Fund; and 50% to Treasury.

I've checked those figures in the language of the two versions from congress.gov and they jibe with Sen. Cassidy's two 1-pagers as well as CCL's two 1-pagers.

I don't know if there are other changes that were made from last year to this.

@George Donart  You're correct that the pie has been resliced since the CCU (and thanks for pointing that out).  But the changes were made during the last Congress, so that the bill, as it was written at the end of the 117th, IS exactly (almost word-for-word) the same as the reintroduced one.

George Donart
144 Posts

@Irmgard M Flaschka  Thanks. Yes, now I see that there was a version that was renamed the RISEE Act of 2022, and those pie slice changes were incorporated into what was the final 117th Congress version.  All of the CCL and Cassidy materials from the last Congress had the early numbers, though.  Using this year's materials will reflect the new %'s.  

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