RISEE opposition?

I ran across a 2022 press release by the Sierra Club in which they strongly opposed four "anti-environmental" bills, one of which was the RISEE Act of 2021 (S 2130).  I could not find any justification for their pov.  I also can't find any more current opinions on RISEE from them, but notice they aren't co-signatories on the support letter.

 Any idea what their objection might have been?

8 Replies
Rob Johnson
108 Posts

@Irmgard M Flaschka

I don’t know, but here is something about GOMESA

Rob Johnson
108 Posts

@Robert Johnson

Reinvesting in America’s Shoreline Economies & Ecosystems (“RISEE”) Act Frequently Asked Questions 1) What would the Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems (RISEE) Act accomplish? The RISEE Act would establish several dedicated streams of funding for coastal infrastructure and resiliency in order to protect vulnerable communities and businesses most impacted by sea level rise and coastal erosion. The legislation creates a new revenue sharing model from federal offshore wind revenue generation between the federal government and coastal states beyond six nautical miles from a state’s coastline. The bill makes improvements to the National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund (NOCSF), and also dedicates a portion of wind energy revenues to the NOCSF. Finally, the bill reforms the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) to allow for a greater state share of revenue from Gulf energy production. It also lifts the cap on the state-side portion of the Land 


I think I highlighted the culprit.   Although to be fair:


8) Does the RISEE Act incentivize additional energy production? No. States have no control over energy production that takes place in federal outer continental shelf waters or deepwater, where almost all offshore energy production occurs. Decisions made with respect to energy production in federal outer continental shelf waters or deepwater fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government. By law, the Department of Interior is required to prepare, periodically revise, and maintain an offshore oil and gas leasing program. In addition, President Biden has committed to auctioning up to 30GW of offshore wind leases to add to the 16 leases in the Atlantic currently held by companies.


Well, legally they don't have control,  but they have control over their opposition or support of fossil fuel or wind off their coasts.

@Robert Johnson  Thanks for all your digging on this.  That was the only thing I could come up with, also, but they seemed overwrought for the damage the bill might actually do in that regard, vs. the good of giving the state an equal benefit from wind installations as opposed to none, as is currently the case.  (Reminds me of stymying permitting reform for all projects, because it might help fossil fuel ones).

I'm curious about your AI result – how did you get that?  Their points seemed right on, and the link to the second point was helpful.  But the first linked to something that supported the bill rather than opposed it, and the third linked to a  CCL page  :)  So overall: helpful but not yet perfect.  But interesting!!  Thanks again.

Rob Johnson
108 Posts
You start the browser, a web page comes up, a search bar is there,   put into the search bar whatever you want,  search results come up, click the first thing you see,  AI starts,  I didn't ask for AI,  I don't know how to not get AI

The first point is the environmental one,  ok, so I never looked at the links. The points don't correspond to the links, The second link is the environmental one,  It is all mixed up,  But I think was quite useful. 

Sierra has been fighting permit reform since forever, and rightfully so as they are environmental. This RISSE thing looks similar.  

@Irmgard M Flaschka
Step back and look at the RISEE bill -  it slices off some tax revenue for just a few states from future wind projects and gives it to those states to do with just about anything they want. There are categories,  but they are broad and would allow for example repairing a road a or maintaining a levee or adding staff. This a political plum of money that does not advance action to prevent climate change. If the distribution of energy tax revenue is unfair that should be addressed federally not with a little side slush fund. 

Rob Johnson
108 Posts

@Neil Anderson
How is the distribution unfair ? The bill addresses the revenue distribution federally. The funds generated don't go toward helping climate change,  I understand that. But look at the name of the bill. that was never the purpose. States and counties like money, which IS the purpose. But it incentivizes more wind, which IS the purpose.  Although GOMESA looks like all oil and gas. 

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