There are a lot of things that we do in CCL that help us stay strong and steady in our climate advocacy efforts. Sometimes, all we need is to take a simple action, like calling Congress, or writing a letter to the editor. Other times, though, action doesn't seem like enough - we're tired, unmotivated, and feeling less hope.Â
I'd love to hear from you, what types of actions or practices leave you feeling more able to return to climate work again and again?Â
@Tamara Staton  Giving myself permission to take a break and fully focusing on another activity.
I love this Carol! In fact, in preparing for my Resilient Climateering workshop breakout session at the conference this Saturday (1250pm-135pm), I just updated the last step to deepening resilience to include that very point: REST. It can be really hard for many of us committed climate advocates to allow ourselves to slow down, to rest, to focus on anything else but the dire needs of the world and others. But it's SO important, I love knowing that you are allowing yourself that. Must be part of the reason you're such a rock star GL!!Â
@Tamara Staton Getting outside and connecting with nature, and doing climate actions with other people - I feel much more resilient when I'm working with a group for something rather than by myself
@Tamara Staton
Thank you for sharing  great tips on preventing burnout. I used to feel the burden of being productive all the time but I realized it is important to rest. Before really just doing nothing, I love exercising and watching movies, and then sleep a lot.Â
@Tamara Staton
Connecting with people and hearing their stories always helps me bounce back into climate work! Sitting down with (or digitally messaging) a friend to learn about whatever is happening in their lives helps me remember that while climate work is a big part of the future, life goes on outside of climate work, too. When I'm unmotivated or burnt out from climate work, the world can feel very small and compressed to the often harsh data points of climate change; connecting with others helps provide me with some much-needed perspective to help me maintain resiliency.Â
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