3007 Posts
You’ve likely considered, planned or started electrifying your home and you can help CCL meet its national goal of 3,000 home electrification conversations in August by sharing your own electrification experience with your neighbors and friends.
Here are some conversation starters.
- "I found a bunch of clean energy options for my home. Have you ever heard of a [heat pump], [induction stove], [other electric appliance]?"
- "I learned that upgrading to electric appliances can make the air inside cleaner and safer for my family."
- "I’m going to save money on my utility bills by electrifying my home. And I’ll get tax breaks, too!"
Bring it up when you run into folks this month, or email/text a few invitations for a coffee meeting. And be sure to log your conversation (cclusa.org/its-electrific)
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- Price on Carbon
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- Building Electrification and Efficiency