Our event will kick off with a film screening and discussion on Friday, Sept. 20 at 6 p.m. ET / 3 p.m. PT. The one day virtual conference is Saturday, Sept. 21, 12 - 6 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. PT.
Conference sessions can be viewed on the conference website.
“Join via Zoom” buttons will appear next to each program item. Click the “Join via Zoom” button to join the webinar.
Join the RECEPTION, on Sept. 20, starting at 6pm ET: https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/j/81739747812
Join the CONFERENCE, on Sept. 21, starting at 12pm ET: https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/j/85917335989
We will be using Zoom video conferencing for the duration of this conference. For the best experience on Zoom, be sure to update your Zoom app to the latest version in advance: https://zoom.us/download
If you have any issues connecting to Zoom or experience audio or video problems, visit the Zoom Support Help Center: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us
Video conference etiquette & tips: We suggest you use earbuds or headphones rather than your computer speakers & mic for better sound quality and reduced feedback. Please mute your mic when you are not speaking. If you have unstable internet, try to turn your video off and close all internet browsers and windows on your computer. Plan to restart your computer before the event begins
Any questions please email inclusion@citizensclimate.org.
Learn more: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/climate-change-conferences/inclusion/
Event RSVPs
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