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EVs now account for half of new car sales in China, and are cheaper than gas cars
Join the discussion about EVs' rapidly growing share of the Chinese auto sector
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Our chapter spans the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes, and includes three congressional districts: the new NY-19, -23 and -24.
We foster local conversations about national bipartisan climate policies that don't hurt low and middle income people. We advocate a variety of such policies, including a national price on carbon with revenue returned to the public.
To build support for legislation, we publish media, make presentations, and meet with local leaders. And we’re excited about the results: CCL's favorite carbon pricing bill now has significant support from businesses and community leaders in upstate NY, including 5 manufacturers and 26 Finger Lakes wineries. We encourage these to share their climate concerns and wishes with our legislators.
We also connect with our legislators. In line with CCL core values, our approach is to be appreciative, persistent, polite and useful: sharing local support for climate solutions, finding common ground and showing gratitude when we can.
We meet 2nd Sundays online, and would love to have you with us!