Preparing For Lobby Days
CCL's first lever of political will is Lobbying, as nothing is more impactful than constituents meeting frequently and building strong relationships with their member of Congress and staff.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View Events Calendar for a full list
Preparing for CCL Conference and Lobby Day
This training walks through important details regarding the appointment setting process, available trainings, and additional recommendations for volunteers as they prepare to lobby with their chapters and states.
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Reviewing Primary & Secondary Asks
This training reviews the updates and context for Primary and Secondary Asks and provides guidance for lobby teams as they plan their online meetings.
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How to Take Great Notes
Learn how to capture the most important elements in a meeting with a member of Congress. While this training is geared towards taking notes in lobby meetings, the same principles apply meetings with local influencers, editorial boards, etc.
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