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About Us
MN Fergus Falls Chapter

We are an active, growing chapter. New members are always welcome!

Your skills and passion are needed! Here are examples of what we're doing locally in the Fergus Falls area to move the needle on climate change:
  1. Grassroots outreach - Presentations, tabling, and everyday conversations with our neighbors on what we CAN do about climate change. We also sponsor larger public events, including speakers, screenings, and our annual Earth Day events.
  2. Grasstops Engagement - Meetings with local leaders to share information and build support for climate action.
  3. Media Relations - Letters to the editor and opinion pieces in local newspapers and other media outlets.
  4. Chapter & Volunteer Development - Monthly chapter meetings; action teams focused on specific efforts; new member welcoming; etc.
  5. Lobbying Congress - There are many ways to connect with our elected officials and we use them all - letters, emails, phone calls, social media, and regular meetings to build relationships and share important information. 

In all that we do, we embrace CCL's core values of: Being Nonpartisan, Focus, Optimism, Diversity, Relationships, Integrity, and Personal Power. Please join us!
Fergus Falls, MN 56537, United States

Upcoming Events

No events scheduled yet, but stay tuned!