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Chart of the Week
EVs now account for half of new car sales in China, and are cheaper than gas cars
Join the discussion about EVs' rapidly growing share of the Chinese auto sector
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Action Team
CCL Community Mentors are CCL leaders that help increase engagement on CCL Community and improve the online experience for all our members.
Four Key Roles of CCL Community Mentors:
- Moderators fill the gap of responding to forum questions from other volunteers and ensuring other members are following CCL Community's Guidelines online
- Tech Supporters liaise with nearby local groups, support their use of CCL Community in their groups, and provide feedback on how to improve user experience back to CCL staff
- Promoters help direct members to important training webinars, action opportunities and draw out key steps CCL volunteers can take in CCL Community
- Social Sharers bring our work out from CCL Community and onto social media to draw attention to it on other platforms