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About Us
Action Team
In the spirit of supporting students while social distancing is in effect, CCL is offering a 15-week Climate Advocacy Training Program for anyone interested in learning and applying CCL’s methods for climate action. Participants who successfully complete the program by August 31 will receive CCL's Certificate of Completion, and if they are enrolled at an institution of higher learning in the fall, receive an invitation to join CCL's Campus Leaders Program to start a climate campaign or CCL chapter at their school.

Throughout the summer participants will:

  1. Attend CCL's (virtual) International Conference, June 13-14, 2020.
  2. Work with your local chapter and group leader to see if you can participate in a virtual lobby meeting.
  3. Participate actively in at least nine sessions of CCL's Core Volunteer Trainings and post in the program's discussion forum each week about actions, questions, or thoughts inspired by that week's training.
  4. Have one call with a regional fellow or the student engagement coordinator to discuss progress and further involvement.
  5. Write and submit a letter-to-the-editor or op-ed to your preferred media outlet.
To join, please fill out this google form. The deadline to enroll is June 10. 

Upcoming Events

No events scheduled yet, but stay tuned!