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Repealing IRA clean electricity tax credits would increase energy bills 10%, or $142 per year
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To solve the climate crisis, Citizens' Climate Lobby empowers people to use the tools of democracy to build political will for climate solutions in Congress. This summer Climate Advocacy Certificate program is for anyone interested in learning and applying CCL's methods for climate action!
Throughout the program, participants:
- Attend at least nine sessions of CCL’s Core Volunteer Trainings and post in the discussion forum reflections inspired by that week’s training (you may watch the recordings if you miss the live webinar)
- Participate in the June 10-13 CCL Conference and share.
- Write and submit a letter-to-the-editor or op-ed to your preferred media outlet and post it in the forum May 30th: Media Basics
- Join their local CCL chapter
- Participate in a lobby meeting with the office of a member of Congress
- Connect with others in the program
Anyone is welcome to join regardless of age or student status (recommended $25 donation for program costs) The program takes ~2 hours/week- academic credit is possible via arranging with the student's academic institution.
Questions? Please email