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About Us
Action Team

Welcome to the Climate and Environmental Justice Action Team

The CEJ Action Team exists to expand CCLers' understanding of EJ perspectives and to build relationships with EJ communities.

Here's an example:

"There’s too much air pollution in urban hubs. In Newark, NJ, 1 in 4 people has asthma and people die of asthma in Newark. A little bit of money is not going to change that. Enforceable legal limits need to be put on the amount of pollution that companies can emit in places like this." -- Kimi Wei, EJ community member, activist, and action team Steering Committee member

Or to paraphrase, "Don't give me $100 when I'm dying."

CCL can benefit from engaging more with groups doing Climate and Environmental Justice work and finding common ground. We need an honest dialogue where we listen.

The Climate and Environmental Justice Action Team Leaders are Lisa Danz,‍ Debbie Chang‍, and Didi Mendie.

Our Monthly Team Meetings are held
Fourth Wednesday of each month at
5pm PT / 6pm MT / 7pm CT / 8pm ET.  
New member orientation starts 15 minutes before the meeting start time.
The Zoom link will be posted in the meeting events and in the action team forum.


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