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About Us
Action Team
Bienvenidos al equipo de trabajo para Latinos de CCL. Este grupo invita a los Latinos residentes en EEUU que hablan o no el español a unirse y a representar a nuestra comunidad dentro de CCL EEUU.

Welcome to the Latinos Action Team. This group is open to Latinos living in the USA who may communicate in English or in Spanish. Our purpose is to represent Latinos inside our CCL USA community.

Monthly Call - CCL's Latinos Action Team
When: 2nd Thursday of the month (quarterly)
Time: 5 p.m. PT – 6 p.m. MT – 7 p.m. CT – 8 p.m. EST
Zoom call details: Please view General Calendar

We began in the Fall of 2017. This team does not have a team leader at this time.
If you have questions, please email

Join us on our social platforms in Spanish (cclclimavivible)
Facebook | Twitter(X) | Instagram | Bluesky

Social platforms in English (ccl.latinos)

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