Citizens’ Climate Education Southeast Region Presents: Building A Secure Energy Future Together Art Show

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Citizens’ Climate Education Southeast Region Presents: Building a Secure Energy Future Together Art Show

Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2023

Submit work with this form 

  • Show Date: Saturday, March 4, 2023 during the conference  
  • Venue: The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design at Georgia Tech 
  • Eligibility: All artists!  


Attention all artists in the Southeast region! We are excited to announce the Building a Secure Energy Future Together Art Show taking place at the Kendeda Building at Georgia Tech. This is your chance to showcase your talent and contribute to the conversation on climate action and a secure energy future.

The theme of the show is to bring awareness to the importance of building a secure energy future for all and to inspire action. We invite all artists to participate and express their ideas and vision for a sustainable future through their art.

The submission deadline is March 1st , 2023, so don't wait to get your submissions in. The  show will be held on March 4 during the conference, so make sure you mark your calendars.

This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work and make a difference in the fight against climate change. So what are you waiting for? Submit your art today, and let's build a secure energy future together!

Art will be shown during the Southeast Conference and sponsored social media. The art selected as “Best in Show” will receive $150 and  free registration for the 2023 CCL June conference in Washington, DC, and be featured prominently in our blog and other social media. Artists will be responsible for their own sales.

Citizens’ Climate Education/Lobby empowers everyday people to work towards climate change solutions for a more livable world. Our supporters are located in more than 600 local chapters across the United States. Together we’re building support in Congress for a national bi-partisan solution to climate change.

Juror: Conference attendees will vote electronically  for the best in show the day of the conference  

Submission requirements

The show is virtual but we will display your art at Kendeda Building at Georgia Tech if you’re able to bring it Saturday March 4 at 9 am to the venue,  please contact for coordination. Art work  will  be displayed at the Citizens' Climate Education Southeast Conference  on March 4 and on social media accounts. The  winner announced during closing remarks.  There is no fee, and artists can submit up to two submissions. Artwork may be 2D,  3D or can be brought to the venue for display . Unfortunately, we cannot accept videos, animation, audio, or other multimedia at this time. All images must be sized under 10MB with a minimum of 960 px and a maximum of 4800 px on the longest side. Images must be labeled as follows: lastname.title.jpg. Please submit work and information via our google form and provide:

  • your name
  • email address
  • title of work
  • size of work
  • Media

If you do not include this information, we will not be able to consider your work for the show. If you have an issue or questions, please contact us at 

Sales and jury process

Work will not be sold through the show. Artists may price their work and provide contact information for personal sales transactions. Pricing contact information will be displayed with the work selected for the show. The winner will be announced at the closing statements of the conference. 


All artists are responsible for ensuring their subject matter does not include any copyright infringements. The artist waives CCE’s Southeast Region of all legal responsibility if an artist’s work is challenged by another party for copyright infringement. By submitting images of your art you are confirming you have secured any required releases and are not in violation of any laws.

Media and promotional consent

By submitting their work, all accepted artists consent to show their work on the CCE/CCL  website and use their images for event marketing, advertising, and social media promos. The title and name of the artist will accompany all work that is shown.

Posted by Brett Cease on Feb 1, 2023 7:56 AM America/Los_Angeles

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