Weekly Briefing: Get the Scoop on the House Speaker Saga

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October 18, 2023 

You’ve probably heard about the drama unfolding in Congress over the last few weeks — Rep. Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker of the House, and as of right now, this important role still has not been filled.

57e5e8250352b1c022ea1819b46f5fc6-huge-snBen Pendergrass, CCL’s Vice President of Government Affairs, joined CCL’s October meeting this past weekend to help us understand what's going on. "Republicans are having a hard time coalescing around a candidate to replace Kevin McCarthy," Ben explained. "This really has an impact because the House cannot function without a Speaker, the way the rules are currently written."

If you weren’t able to join the meeting on Saturday, catch up on Ben's remarks and the Q&A on CCL’s YouTube channel. In addition to the Speaker situation, Ben also discussed the prospects for legislative progress on some of CCL’s climate policy priorities between now and the end of the year. 

And the landscape in D.C. is always evolving, so this won’t be the last time you’ll hear from our legislative team! We’ve planned a legislative roundtable with Ben and Jenn Tyler, our Senior Director of Government Affairs, as part of our upcoming “Grassroots Rising” virtual conference on Nov. 4.

Register now to attend and get the inside scoop on Congress and climate. You can email Ben and Jenn questions ahead of time to conference.inbox@citizensclimate.org, or come prepared to ask your questions during the session. See you there!

Register Now

In other news this week

• Washington Post sees climate hope in carbon pricing: An editorial from the Washington Post this month notes a handful of encouraging signs on climate. “One glimmer of progress is that more places are starting to price carbon emissions," the editorial board writes.

• EU CBAM keeps making headlines: An in-depth WIRED article about Europe’s carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) says the policy will “lift carbon pricing up the political agenda for places that probably didn’t pay that much attention before.” We love to see it 

• A discussion of political diversity: On Oct. 23, CCL’s Conservative Outreach Director, Drew Eyerly, and our Diversity and Inclusion Director, Karina Ramirez, will host a joint presentation about political diversity and what that means for us at CCL. It promises to be a unique event and an insightful discussion — all are welcome!

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Spread the word about the conference. We know YOU will be at our Fall Conference but how about your friends and followers on social media? Help spread the word about our free, virtual event, “Grassroots Rising: Leveling up in the Climate Fight,” by visiting our Spread the Word page and sharing some of the Fall Conference posts you find there.

If you have more time: Plan November lobby meetings. Work together with your chapter and your liaisons to plan your meetings with Congress the week of November 6-10. Here’s what you need to know — trainings and guidance about this year’s asks, the meeting setting process, and assembling your lobby team.

Featured chapter: CCL Huntsville

During CCL's national October meeting this weekend, group leader Debbie Chang shared a few nuggets of wisdom from her group in Huntsville, Alabama, including a special practice they do at the end of each local chapter meeting. (Debbie is pictured above, right, on Capitol Hill with fellow Huntsville volunteers.)

“At the end of each monthly meeting, our chapter members like to give recognitions and share gratitudes,” Debbie says. These sound like, "(Volunteer name), thanks for putting together the event X this month. It was really successful, and I also want to thank volunteers A, B, and C for helping to promote and take sign ups and welcoming folks at the event.” They open the floor up, popcorn style, so anyone can chime in and share.

“The idea is to show people that their contributions, even one that you might take for granted, are noticed,” Debbie says, sending the message: “It’s appreciated, it makes a difference, please keep doing it!” This practice has made a positive impact on the culture of their chapter.

Hear more of Debbie’s advice from the October call, including how to stay consistent and persistent in your CCL work. 

Have you logged your recent activities in the Action Tracker? Tell us what your chapter has been up to lately.

Action Tracker

Want your chapter to be featured? Share your info and photos with us.

Upcoming trainings

10/19: Overview and Benefits of the BIG WIRES Act - The BIG WIRES Act has been introduced in the House and Senate and will be a focus of our fall lobbying. Join CCL's Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli to learn how this policy could update and streamline the country’s patchwork energy transmission system, improving reliability and reducing energy costs. Join us!

10/23: Fall 2023 Lobby Training #1: Primary & Supporting Asks - Join CCL's legislative staffers, Ben Pendergrass and Jennifer Tyler, to discuss the meeting asks for our upcoming fall lobby meetings. Join us!

10/26: Fall 2023 Lobby Training #2: Legislative Plan - Get even more details and context for CCL's Fall 2023 Primary and Supporting Asks, as well as guidance for lobby teams as they plan their online meetings. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

10/24: CCL's Policy Agenda - Learn how Citizens’ Climate advocates for an array of policies, including carbon pricing, that are effective in reducing net emissions and building bridges both in Congress and in our communities. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

Chart of the Week


Clean technology growth is exploding

Join the discussion about how the IEA says that permitting reform and carbon pricing are needed to accelerate this growth and reach net zero by 2050.

Posted by Brett Cease on Oct 19, 2023 8:00 AM America/Los_Angeles

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