Weekly Briefing: We Came, We Saw, We Lobbied
June 12, 2024
Our 2024 Summer Conference and Lobby Day was a smashing success! We were thrilled to welcome more than 1,000 climate-concerned volunteers from all around the country to Washington, D.C., over the last few days.
After two days packed with great conference programming, we held 442 lobby meetings on Capitol Hill. We met with senators and representatives on both sides of the aisle, discussing clean energy permitting reform and the PROVE IT Act as our primary asks.
You can help keep our PROVE IT Act momentum going strong with a follow-up call to your members of Congress. Our action page has a click-to-call tool, making it easy to contact Congress and reinforce our Lobby Day message.
Want a closer look at Lobby Day? Head to our Instagram highlight or our Spread the Word page to see photos!
In other news this week
• Share your perspective with Rachel: On CCL's June monthly meeting, we heard a message from Rachel Kerestes, CCL's incoming Executive Director. Watch her message at minute 33 of the call, and head to cclusa.org/HiRachel to ask questions and share your perspective about your climate advocacy work.
Take action this week
If you have a little time: Like and share these two X posts from Capitol Hill. CCL volunteers got some social media love during yesterday’s Lobby Day from Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed and Sen. Hickenlooper’s energy staffer Tom Erb! Let’s return their appreciation for CCL by engaging with Sen. Reed’s post and Tom Erb’s post.
If you have more time: Dive into the livestream recordings from the Summer 2024 Conference. Recordings of main stage sessions like Making Climate an Election Priority with Nathaniel Stinnett, founder of the Environmental Voter Project, and a keynote from Jerome Foster II, Founder & Executive Director of Waic Up, are available now on CCL’s YouTube channel.
Featured chapter: CCL Washington, D.C.
CCL’s D.C. chapter, led by Linda VerNooy and Max Broad, is a dynamic group that takes care to focus on both national and local policy. Located in the backyard of the nation’s capital, the group never feels a shortage of opportunities to make a difference.
The chapter has collaborated with The Solar United Neighbors and the International Brotherhood of Electric Workers in advancing clean energy initiatives. Chapter members’ testimony to the D.C. Council was instrumental in ensuring the passage of The Healthy Homes Act, which will allow nearly 30,000 low- and moderate-income D.C. households to upgrade to electric appliances for free.
They also meet twice yearly with Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, and recently participated in a local meetup with Rep. Norton at the Anacostia Community Museum. During Earth Month, they held a trash cleanup event in Rock Creek Park and conducted tabling outreach at North Washington University and George Washington University.
The D.C. chapter also helped volunteers from all around the country table on the National Mall as part of CCL’s Summer Conference and Lobby Day event this past Saturday. Thanks for the warm welcome, CCL D.C.!
Want to chat with the Washington, D.C., chapter about tabling? Join the conversation on CCL Community.
Upcoming trainings
6/18: CCL Community Walkthrough - Newer to CCL and excited to make a difference? This training focuses on helping participants navigate our websites and opportunities for harnessing the talents, experience and interests you bring to CCL. Join us!
6/25: Carbon Pricing Research AMA (Ask Me Anything) - A new study shows that public support for carbon pricing can be further increased by a “climate premium.” One of the study’s co-authors, Davide Pace, PhD, will discuss his team’s findings with lots of time for Q&A. Join us!
Nerd Corner Chart of the Week

Join the discussion about how faster transitions to clean energy are cheaper.
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