Weekly Briefing: Get Ready For Post-Election Progress

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October 16, 2024

Right now, there’s a lot of national attention focused on the election. Early voting is currently underway and breaking turnout records. Get-out-the-vote efforts are in full swing leading up to Election Day on November 5.

3183a6413966260093b3129397fb2dde-huge-faDuring CCL’s October call on Saturday, CCL Great Lakes Regional Director John Sabin gave a rundown of how CCL volunteers have helped so far, including:

  • 48,293 minutes of phone conversations with environmental voters
  • 22,685 contacts through our “Climate GOAT” youth campaign
  • 140,000+ postcards sent to potential voters nationwide

Our incredible show of force has helped to elevate the climate issue in races all across the country. But… what happens after Election Day?

Here's what we know for sure. Whatever the makeup of Congress — and whoever is headed to the Oval Office — we at CCL will be ready to work for climate action.

Get ready with us by attending “Positioning for Progress,” CCL’s Fall Virtual Conference on Dec. 7. This free online event will cover the key opportunities for climate policy during the lame duck session at the end of this Congress, as well as exciting possibilities emerging for 2025.

Browse the event lineup now, and plan to join us on Dec. 7!

See Event Details

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Make your plan to vote. No time like the present! Take a few minutes now to look at your schedule and decide exactly when you’re going to vote. Head over to cclusa.org/vote for more information. (Bonus points if you help others make their plan: Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to get ready to vote by forwarding them this email or sending them a quick text.)

If you have more time: Watch the recording of CCL’s October monthly meeting. This weekend, we held our October meeting with guest speaker Akshat Rathi, senior reporter for Bloomberg News and author of the book Climate Capitalism. His remarks touched on several policy areas CCL works on, including carbon pricing, electrification, and clean energy permitting reform — definitely worth a watch! And heads up: our November monthly meeting will be just a few days after Election Day. Plan to join us for a special “Action Hour” meeting on Nov. 9.

Featured chapter: CCL Lafayette

CCL’s Lafayette chapter is bustling with activity, thanks to the dedicated efforts of southern Louisiana volunteers. Laura McColm, one of the group’s co-leaders, said they have been actively engaged in a variety of climate advocacy initiatives, including tabling at local markets, organizing a speaker series, and establishing connections with other environmental organizations in the Lafayette area. Their April Earth Day event even resulted in 20 new sign-ups for the chapter!

In between, they have also been hosting postcard-writing events to connect with Congress and support the “Get Out the Vote” initiative. The chapter has already completed and begun to send thousands of postcards, surging toward the state's overall goal of mailing 10,000 CCL postcards to registered voters in Louisiana this October.

Great work, CCL Lafayette!

Want to help with voter mobilization efforts in the last few weeks of the election cycle? Visit our Election Engagement Action Team for opportunities.

Election Engagement

Upcoming trainings

10/17: Opportunities for a Carbon Price in the Next Congress - We expect the carbon pricing debate to ramp up in 2025, creating new opportunities to advance our goals of passing legislation that reduces pollution and protects households. Learn more about what next year’s carbon pricing debate could look like, and what CCL will prioritize in that discussion. Join us!

10/22: CCL Media Basics - Join CCL's State and Local Media Coordinator Charlotte Ward for a training focused on how to use CCL's suite of media resources, including customizing and submitting one of CCL’s op-ed templates, writing local letters to the editor, and more. Join us!

10/24: Weather Attribution Science & What We Know About Hurricane Helene - Join CCL's Research Team to learn about the process for connecting climate change with extreme weather events, what it has found — including about recent storms like Hurricane Helene — and how CCL volunteers can communicate its research and findings. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.

Nerd Corner Chart of the Week


Building more transmission reduces air pollution and improves health especially in frontline communities

Join the discussion about how measures to build more transmission faster have big health and environmental justice benefits.

Posted by Brett Cease on Oct 18, 2024 8:44 AM America/Los_Angeles

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