What tools do you use to feature local climate impacts?
Brett Cease
3861 Posts
Highlighting Local Impacts training spotlights the importance of sharing local impacts - what sources and websites do you use to share?
6 Replies
Brett Cease
3861 Posts
Here's a recent tool from Research published Feb. 2018 in Nature Communications that predicts what the climate will be like in 540 North American cities by 2080, with the results available to the public via an interactive map.

"Within the lifetime of children living today, the climate of many regions is projected to change from the familiar to conditions unlike those experienced in the same place by their parents, grandparents, or perhaps any generation in millennia," said senior author Matthew Fitzpatrick, an ecologist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. "Many cities could experience climates with no modern equivalent in North America."

I tested out the interactive map.  Easy to use.  

I refer to the former EPA website that include climate change impacts.   
Brett Cease
3861 Posts

Here are two recent helpful tools to help find additional local climate impacts:

Utilizing State-Level Climate Policy Impact Tools




I just learned about this one today, Neighborhoods At Risk.

Scott Buckley
602 Posts

FloodFactor. It allows you to look up the flood risk for any city, neighborhood or property in the U.S. More importantly, it goes beyond FEMA stream gauge data to show urban flooding risk. This Chicago Sun-Times article goes into more detail. 

“FEMA says 0.3% of Chicago properties are at risk of flooding, but First Street (FloodFactor) says that number should be 12.8%.” Not surprisingly, many of these are in minority areas on the south side of Chicago who are getting increasingly flooded by torrential rains but are outside of FEMA flood zones, so federal flood insurance is not available.

Brett Cease
3861 Posts

Here's another great state level one from the State Climate Summaries in the wake of the Third U.S. National Climate Assessment. 

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