Creative Tabling Ideas
Tabling is one of the best ways to educate and encourage people to take action, or you might be able to find some folks interested in joining CCL. Additionally, tabling is a low-risk, non-threatening way for newer volunteers to develop quickly their listening skills and practice their storytelling about CCL and climate solutions.

Check out the following links for some fun with what other groups have had success with. Additionally, share what's worked for you here!
12 Replies
Susan Adams
112 Posts
I say this a lot, but nothing beats free cookies with a sign that says "FREE COOKIE if you write a letter to your member of Congress" -- you can imagine the font sizes there, with the action in fine print. This works great for a high traffic tabling spot like Earth Day or maybe a farmer's market.

If kids are at the event you're tabling with, consider having paper and crayons/pens for them to draw a picture on, or a coloring page. You can tell them that you'll deliver the picture to their member of Congress in Washington DC. While the kids are busy, you can get the parents to take a quick action or chat with you about climate.
David Kline
335 Posts
I will pass along a comment I've heard more than once from the chair of our Tabling Committee: It's good to be careful about how we talk about Tabling as a great opportunity for new volunteers. We want to avoid the (false) implication that it does not require high skill.  For example, we might say "It's a great way for newer members to learn a number of useful CCL skills from seasoned volunteers."
David Cain
526 Posts
Thank you for this observation.  I've been one to rather over-emphasize the new volunteer 'beginner' opportunities tabling affords. It's real art and practice that our talented veterans bring to the table.  I should be more careful.
Ian James
2 Posts

You can order CCL signs, banners, tablecloths etc. from using this link: 

I ordered the black tablecloth last year, I liked it so much I ordered another one just now, together with a couple of yard signs and a banner.

Steven Selby
229 Posts

@Ian James

I'm having some problems with the account creation and logon process.   I wonder if this is still valid?

Brett Cease
3861 Posts

@Steven Selby thanks for letting us know - this is still a valid link and we'd love to help if you can pass on what you're seeing for an error message and what computer/browser you're using. I'm copying @Alison Kubicsko to see if she can help troubleshoot what might be going on.

@Brett Cease @Steven Selby 
Steven, I think you emailed me about this as well. The print store should be working. Were you able to get in? If not, I will loop in the company rep to help since it is their portal (it's not CCL administered) so I am not much help on the tech front in this case. Would you mind emailing me a screenshot of the error message you are seeing? That may help them to get to the source of the problem. Thanks! 

Steven Selby
229 Posts

@Alison Kubicsko
Somehow my initial attempt making a password didn't work.  My trouble was in resetting the password.   I received the code in email, but didn't see a place to enter the code.

I just succeeded in resetting the password by using the “Already have a code button”.  It may be necessary to use that.  That's a bit different than most other sites where I've had to do a reset.  That may have been my problem.

Anyway, I'm in now and don't want to try to do the reset again to figure out exactly what worked and want didn't .  I will do it if you'd really like to know that.


@Steven Selby Hi Steven, glad it worked! No need to try and reset again, just let me know if you have any other trouble in the future. Thanks! 

@Susan Adams   I am all about free cookies and I like to bake.   Do people need to just sign their name to a postcard to get a free cookie?  It seems like it's better if its more personal?   Or can they just scan a qr code and do it electronically.   

Susan Adams
112 Posts

Alexander Messinger‍ So glad that you are a kindred spirit in baking cookies! I'm with you, I usually have them write a postcard or note right then and there. It is too easy to promise to do it later and then forget. But I suppose if you were to have them scan the QR code and submit on their phone right there before your very eyes, that would work too. Plus, you could answer questions as they go through the process. In any case, I tend to err on the side of generosity when it comes to baked goods.

Let me know how it goes if you try it out!

Marie Koper
44 Posts

@Bryan Hermsen
The children's activities look good, but the links apparently need permission to open. Can you provide permission? Thanks!

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