Government Affairs Manager The Climate Center
Brett Cease
3781 Posts

Government Affairs Manager

The Climate Center

Are you a dynamic, accomplished policy mover and shaker, and relationship-builder wanting to make a difference on the climate crisis? We are looking for a driven, collaborative, enthusiastic, and experienced government affairs professional with effective relationships in Sacramento to lead our Climate-Safe California policy and partnership efforts. Together, we will achieve accelerated, equitable climate policy based on the latest science and the rapidly worsening climate reality, catalyzing the nation and the world into greater action. As goes California, so goes the world!

The Climate Center is a climate and energy policy nonprofit working to rapidly and equitably reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California.The Government Affairs Manager (GAM) is responsible for The Climate Center’s policy advocacy in California, primarily focused on policymaking in Sacramento to realize the ambitious and urgently needed goals of our Climate-Safe California campaign. The GAM will work in partnership with The Climate Center’s staff, Board and many partners. 

The GAM is The Climate Center’s expert on legislative and regulatory proceedings.  She/he/they will bring extensive experience in California climate law and policy, including drafting, reviewing and driving the passage of legislation, as well as supporting aligned regulation. The GAM will have an in-depth strategic understanding of how the legislative branch can work with the regulatory and executive branches to achieve policy goals. The GAM will also play a lead role in building partnerships and coalitions to support The Center’s policy priorities. 

At The Climate Center, we care about and support each other in the workplace setting. We also recognize that each employee has a whole life that includes time outside of work. We value diversity and encourage people from all backgrounds to apply, even if you do not meet all of the preferred qualifications. 

Salary range is between $105,000 to $130,000 based on experience.

For more details and to apply.


Ellie M. Cohen

Chief Executive Officer

The Climate Center

2 Replies

@Brett Cease Hi, Brett. Where can I find more details for this job? I tried tagging Ellie in the comment, but the dropdown list didn't show her name.

Brett Cease
3781 Posts

Thanks @Rishabh Sonkar - looks like you click the top link from the post to go to their website and apply: 

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