Electric stoves and portable induction cooktops
Kathy Seal
263 Posts

I'm wondering why we aren't emphasizing    portable induction cooktops more. HEre in both SAnta Monica and Los Angeles, for example, the great majority of residents are renters. Electric stoves seem mainly for homeowners, and tax credits mean you have to pay a good amount of taes. IF we don't want to pitch electrification mainly to the well-off here, it seems like we need to offer lower income and diverse communities easier and cheaper ways to electrify. Or do we need to start organizing tenants to work with their landlords? Maybe I'm missing something here though.

8 Replies

Hi @Kathy Seal. There's nothing in the IRA for portable induction burners, but they're certainly a solution that we can suggest to renters.  In terms of climate pollution, space and water heating are the big culprits in homes, and stoves are a pretty small contributor.  Stoves are the worst for health though.

Stoves are also kind of a ‘gateway appliance’ in homes because people aren't emotionally attached to their gas heaters like they are to their gas stoves, so they're more likely to electrify the former if they electrify the latter.  That's not the case for renters, who usually can't control their space and water heaters.  

But, induction burners are still great.  I use one almost every day myself.  Just cooked my dinner on it, in fact 🤓

Kathy Seal
263 Posts
Thanks, Dana. Glad to hear that stoves are not so important.
Our city gives a $50 rebate for induction plates. you’re not really interested in having people switch to induction plates because they are not part of the IRA?
having trouble understanding why stoves would be a gateway appliance leading to electrification of heaters, though.
Kathy Seal
263 Posts

@dananucitelli or maybe we are saying that we don’t care about reaching out to low income people about electrification because it’s mainly the wealthy who are burning, the most fossil fuels? That we should reach out to low income people about energy efficiency instead of about electrification?

Hi @Kathy Seal.  Switching from using a gas stove to an induction plate is still positive.  I just mentioned the IRA because that's been the centerpiece of our educational materials so far.  But it's great to educate people about additional local incentives if you have them.

As for homeowners, I think if they see how great induction stoves are they might be more motivate to electrify their other appliances too.  If they're attached to their gas stoves, I think they'd be less likely to electrify their heating systems.

@Kathy Seal
YES!!!    All of the above!

I asked my local library to put a single induction burner in their “library of things” so it can be borrowed.   She is excited to do it.   I plan to talk to her and the library researchers next week about becoming a hub for this information.

 I  just talked to the manager and sales team of Appliances at my local Lowe's.   They knew nothing about all of this.   I gave them a list of questions, and will be speaking to them again.  

Questions for Lowe's [Best Buy, etc]:

Are you aware of the energy upgrades, weatherization and electrification parts of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act?   Have you seen the rebates and tax credits available to your customers?   Do you sell heat pump installment materials?   Do you carry heat pump air conditioners?   Do you sell heat pump clothes dryers?   Do you sell heat pump water heaters?    Do you sell weatherization supplies?  Do you supply electrical panel and wiring materials? Do you have induction stoves on display?   (yes, two).   Are they marketed as “electric induction stoves?”  

Do you know that the US government has already started on a ten-year plan to pay all or half of many Americans' costs of these upgrades including installation and labor? Do you know this could cut our US energy needs in half over the next ten years and reduce pollution and greenhouse gases dramatically?”   

Have you seen the Home Electrification Calculator at rewiremamerica.org?   Would you be willing to print out and display the ira-community-benefits-fact-sheet-US.pdf? Have you looked at the 'Go Electric IRA Guide?' Can you and your employees, neighbors, friends benefit from this program?   

I would like to see [Lowe's] endorse, support and promote this nationwide effort as well as hold the standard for maintaining and lowering prices on these items and materials."

What a difference we can make!   [My name, phone number, Citizens Climate Lobby volunteer].   I am going to all the stores in this community, and collecting a list of these items that are on display so that I can refer people to them.   If you have any questions, I can probably find someone who can answer them.

@Kathy Seal While watching the video on CCL's policy goals, I thought similarly about electrification for renters and restaurants. Our apartment has a gas stove, and most restaurants use gas. Our apartment management company barely spends money on necessary repairs. Maybe I'm missing something, but how can we incentivize landlords to switch to electric stoves? For restaurants, electrifying seems like a costly expense for sole proprietors. 

Kathy Seal
263 Posts
Important points! Let’s discuss further  at chapter meeting.--


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