Applying for IRA Funds

Our chapter would like to talk with municipalities, and encourage them to publicize the availability of IRA funds to their residents.  I'm trying to anticipate some of the questions we might receive.  

If a homeowner gets assistance for a heat pump, solar panels, electric cooktop, etc., - including a 100% subsidy - do they need to sign paperwork that guarantees these features will remain part of the house?  If so, what is involved?  Is this binding on any future buyers of the home?  Is the answer the same whether we're talking about a rebate or a tax credit?

Has anyone else been publicizing the IRA funds (including talks and tabling)?  What are some of the questions you've received?

Steve Glaser

4 Replies
JAN Freed
226 Posts

@Steve Glaser  So glad you brought up the issue of implementation of the IRA.  Without a ‘push’ in that direction, the IRA would accomplish only a small fraction of its goals. 

 How about this?  To go straight to the heart of IRA benefits, every MOC that ‘gives a darn’ could contact each and every constituent (thru the mail and email) and offer them complete guidance to achieve a citizen's cost cutting (and emissions cutting) electrification.  

Perhaps legislation to fund this outreach and support could be written and become a secondary ask for CCLers!


Hi @Steve Glaser.  There are no requirements to guarantee the appliance will remain in operation.  That's assumed – appliances generally have 10 to 20 year lifespans after all, and electric upgrades also come with lower monthly utility bills due to their higher energy efficiency.

@Dana Nuccitelli Good to know that.  I wasn't thinking so much that someone would replace an appliance, but that a house could be sold and torn down to make way for a new one.  

Lisa Ruckman
161 Posts

@Steve Glaser
Right now some EPA funds are available for communities.  I also highly recommend collaborating with all of the groups in your community on promoting these electrification policies (i.e. govt weatherization programs, community organizations, govt sustainability-type boards/employees).

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