Yard Sign
Is the Yard Sign made out of weather proof material like plastic?  Or is it made out of cardboard that will not hold up well in the rain.  Thank you,
18 Replies
Brett Cease
3862 Posts
Thanks Joseph CHIARELL‍ - there are new CCL Yard Signs supporting the Energy Innovation Act and the other CCL Signs on Signs.com are described as "weather-resistant UV ink on 4mm corrugated plastic with a metal frame." 😀
Hi Brett, 
Thank you for your prompt response.  
Yard signs are now available?! Awesome! Great news! 
Do we have a collection of pre designed yards?  All I see is the sign store, where the creative (not I) can design our own.  I had a "Climate Voter" sign with CCL name & logo, but it was destroyed over the winter.  I would like just to replace that sign, and maybe add a 'Q-scanner' code or whatever to lead to CCL home or EICDA page. 
Sara Wanous
243 Posts
Hi Bruce - there's no need to design your own! The sign store gives you the option to customize, but if you don't make any changes it will default to the one with just our logo pictured. I'm not familiar with a climate voter lawn sign, but perhaps that's one that you our someone in your chapter used the signs.com interface to create?
I think actually it was another chapter's project.  What I would like is an attention getter with a scan code for more info.  A someday project.
Thanks, Bruce
Brett Cease
3862 Posts
Thanks ‍ Bruce Jamison‍ - perhaps this Paperless Action Tools Handout PDF could also help you for a sign, it features QR codes for four easy actions anyone can take to get more involved on climate 😀
CCL yard sign
I previously ordered yard signs from signs.com as shown above. However, the two signs now available are different. Can anyone help? I will see if I can somehow still get them from signs.com.
bob M.
I found a "saved design" in my account at signs.com so I ordered more.
Bob M.
Screenshot (8).png

This sign from signs.com does not look much different from yours.  I don't know any other source for this.  You would have to request a custom sign and it would cost more.
I like your sign. I did not see your sign on the site. I must be missing something. In any case, as I reported in a previous message, I was able to order some the same as my first one by accessing the "saved designs" in my account at signs.com.
I have a car decal.  I added "To Ensure a Livable Planet".  I probably paid extra.  I do not have a lawn sign.
I was able to communicate with Signs.com via chat or submitting a design question via email or something like that and create customized yard signs as attached. The person at signs.com that was really helpful was Taryn Bryner and email is tbryner [at] signs.com. One side was EICDA-centric, with 2 QR codes I created for relevant websites. The other side was CCL-centric, with 2 QR codes I created - 1 for CCL and the other for CCL Portland (PDX). I am attaching all for you to copy/edit/use as needed. 

Brett Cease
3862 Posts

Thanks all! Copying CCL's wonderful National Events Manager Alison Kubicsko‍ to help speak to whether we might still have the classic CCL logo/sign available to download on our 

store. 😀

Robin Paone
300 Posts

@Brett Cease @Alison Kubicsko Any way CCL would create an Earth Day Event yard sign design with an arrow? 

I like this style with the white background, partial logo in the corner:


The blue letters would say “Earth Day Event”. Instead of a QR code it would have a big green arrow underneath.  It would be two-sided with the arrow reversed on the opposite side. And, no date so it could be used annually.

I'm thinking more than one chapter might like these!

Brett Cease
3862 Posts

Thanks @Robin Paone! We'll see what might be possible, thanks for asking!

@Robin Paone Hi Robin, thanks for this suggestion. We're working on new Earth Day materials as our priority right now, so I don't think we'll be able to redesign this yard sign at the moment. We will keep it in mind for the next earth day, and if you do find a way to create this yourself, be sure to share it here. Thanks for your understanding and all of your hard work this earth day season! 

Robin Paone
300 Posts

@Alison Kubicsko I just received the shipment of Earth Day yard signs today which I designed on Zazzle. They are printed with the exact CCL colors per the CCL branding guidelines.  They are 2-sided with arrows inversed so the signs point in the correct direction when looking at either side. I love them!

Below is a link for sharing this design in Zazzle so hopefully others can use it. (not sure how that works.)

It's probably too late for ordering this year but I wanted to verify they looked good before sharing. 

Good luck everyone with your Earth Day events this year!




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