We are excited to share the video recording of Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson's keynote session from the Nov. 2021 Conference here (all recordings/files here: cclusa.org/presentations).
Please adhere to this important note: due to the agreement between CCL and Dr. Johnson, we are not able to share this recording outside of CCL. Therefore, this recording is available to and should only be accessed by CCL volunteers logged in to CCL Community, and is not to be distributed (shared) in any way. It is for internal CCL volunteer use only. CCL is planning to create clips of Ayana's talk in other formats, which will be shareable, so please be on the lookout for those resources coming soon. Thank you for your understanding. 😀
Where are the links that Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson put in the chat about the organization working to take CO2 out of the oceans and her OpEd about George Floyd?
Thanks Mark! If you go to the cclusa.org/presentations page where all of our former CCL Conference files are found, you'll note that one of them contains the
CCL Nov 2021 Main Webinar Line Chat Log (for all the links)
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/06/03/im-black-climate-scientist-racism-derails-our-efforts-save-planet/
For all those that want to follow Dr. Johnson’s amazing work, see her website: https://www.ayanaelizabeth.com/ and get All We Can Save here: https://www.allwecansave.earth
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