Broward Teen leads CCL Chapter
Needs Review

A local high school senior is guiding others to advocate for climate solutions. Joining  the ranks of Gen Z climate activists is Giovanna Santo, a 17 year old Senior at West Broward High School. Gigi, as her friends call her, now leads the Broward Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), with over 400 supporters.  She joined in May and has inspired a 200% increase in active Broward members of this international, bipartisan non-profit. 

Gigi marshals members to call on Congress to ask for national climate action, meeting them face to face, writing letters to editors calling for climate action, hosting educational events and much.more. Their mission is to create the political will for climate solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in personal and political power. They coordinate strategy with the action of CCL’s 200,000 members nationwide. The focus is to increase support in the US Congress for reducing harmful, polluting CO2 emissions through national legislation. Examples of policy they lobby for are cash back carbon fees and advanced clean energy incentives for households, industry and agriculture. Gigi and several chapter members met at Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus McCormick’s office this past July. The primary ask for the Congresswoman was to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act. She did, and it passed. Meeting face to face with a member of the US Congress or their legislative staff is an empowering experience that CCL prepares members for.  


Lobbying for the Inflation Reduction Act and our national transition to a clean energy economy are just part of what the members do. Gigi also leads them in other methods of creating political will. She organizes members to present to school and community groups,  to use social media, to get out the vote, and to engage candidates.  Embracing the CCL values of being persistent, polite and patient, Gigi embodies the best of what climate advocacy looks like.  Her age is an asset, as her generation will be the ones facing threatening environmental changes.

Gigi, the daughter of a career US Airforce officer has moved with her family many times which undoubtedly contributes to her world view. She’s also had a few visits to Brazil , her parents’ country of birth, and deplores the destruction of the rainforest.  The evident reality of the changing climate her generation is facing, along with her life experience has engendered her passion for climate action.  


Of all her past residences, she says S. Florida is the most affected by the changing climate.  She refuses to watch idly as it happens and aspires to continue growing the Broward CCL Chapter to better ensure our leaders maintain a livable planet. This is the kind of vision and ambition necessary to move the needle on climate change.  The stakes could not be higher.

4 Replies

@Jeff Dorian Gigi is an amazing leader! Congratulations to her for taking on the role of co-chapter leader and for inspiring so many to do this work! 

Yes, exactly!  I'm hoping this reaches out to encourage others to step up!

@Jeff Dorian I'm the Communications Coordinator for CCL! Would you and Gigi be willing to talk with me a little bit for a blog? Feel free to send me an email at



I'd love to talk!


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