National Monthly Meeting w/ Ben Pendergrass

Each month, Citizens’ Climate Lobby supporters gather locally for a monthly meeting where we educate ourselves by listening to a guest speaker. Go to your local chapter's page to find out more about your chapter's plans for listening in. Our monthly action sheets are posted by the Saturday ahead of the monthly call and post any questions you have about this event in the comments below.

October's Meeting will be with Ben Pendergrass, CCL's Vice President of Government Affairs.

Ben is the head of the CCL government relations team in Washington D.C. and in his role, he works to the advance the policy goals of CCL in Congress. Ben has worked for over 14 years in Washington both as Congressional staff and as a government relations professional. For several years, Ben served on the legislative staff of Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM). Most recently, he was Senior Vice President, Policy and Legislative Affairs for a national trade association. Ben has worked in a wide range of policy areas including taxes, natural resources, agriculture and national security. He has successfully advanced standalone legislation as well as provisions in annual appropriations bills, tax extender legislation, and farm bills. He has also worked extensively with federal agencies and worked on numerous federal regulations.

Playback options and other resources

Watch or download the video recording or pre-call video. Listen to the podcast on PodBean or iTunes.

Saturday October 14th, 2023 10:00am PDT
Saturday October 14th, 2023 11:00am PDT

Event RSVPs

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Not Going