Highlight Your Local Climate Impacts With Regional Climate Slide Decks
Join CCL's Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli for a special training on Dana's work assembling region-specific climate impacts presentation slide decks. These slide decks detail the most important climate change impacts for each of the seven regions in the continental United States.  Each slide includes the scientific source references in the notes, which are primarily the 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment Report and the Working Group I of the 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report.  These are the most comprehensive and authoritative assessments of the latest and greatest climate science research pertaining to the United States and world, respectively, but other individual papers are referenced in the slides as well.   

Skip ahead to the following section(s):
  •  (0:00) Intro & Agenda
  • (3:24) Overview & How To Use The Slides
  • (6:45) Background Research
  • (10:06) The Southeast 
  • (15:51) Southern Great Plains 
  • (21:26 The Southwest 
  • (26:42) The Northwest 
  • (31:09) The Northern Great Plains 
  • (36:10) The Midwest 
  • (40:16) The Northeast 
  • (42:56) Pairing with Solutions
Presentation Slides: https://cclusa.org/local-impacts-training  

Post your questions in advance to the Event Comments section below and if you can't make it live, feel free to visit the Highlight Your Local Impacts training page where the updated recording will be archived after the training. 

Thursday September 7th, 2023 5:00pm PDT
Thursday September 7th, 2023 6:00pm PDT
Category CCL Training

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