Join CCL International Program Director Cathy Orlando for a training that highlights what is going on around the world in 2021 with CCL’s network, what other countries are doing in terms of carbon pricing and citizen engagement, and how CCL is engaging in international civil society meetings.
Skip ahead to the following section(s):
To learn more about this topic, see the presentation slides or visit the CCL's International Work - Updates From Around the World training page, where the updated recording has been archived after the training.
Skip ahead to the following section(s):
- (0:00) Intro & Overview
- (2:58) About Citizens’ Climate International
- (10:58) International Progress on Carbon Pricing
- (25:30) Stories From Around the World
To learn more about this topic, see the presentation slides or visit the CCL's International Work - Updates From Around the World training page, where the updated recording has been archived after the training.
Thursday May 6th, 2021 5:00pm PDT
Thursday May 6th, 2021 6:00pm PDT
Category CCL Training
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