Motivational Interviewing - Introductory Workshop
Are you or anyone in your chapter interested in a free intro course and/or refresher series on Motivational Interviewing? If so, read below and join us! 

And for the full description, see the following CCL Community Bulletin here
Questions? Email ahead of the workshops.

What is Motivational Interviewing?

“Motivational Interviewing” is a communication style that fosters collaboration and offers you as an advocate a package of skills to collaborate with anyone, especially “difficult people.” It is the gold standard for bedside manner for nurses and doctors seeking to help their patients move towards healthy behaviors.
The Motivational Interviewing (MI) trainings sessions will be a series of experiential learning activities.  Sessions will include self-reflection, visualization exercises, breakout room activities, role-plays, live observation experiences and more. All of these approaches will combine to move attendees in a direction to help you integrate practice and communication to help you find your ability to be the best motivational interview practitioner you can be.

Introductory Session

The introduction session will be held three different times listed below and will explore the following ideas:
  • Motivational Interviewing as a new approach to environmental communications
  • Experiential activities to discover your existing capacity toward MI skillfulness
  • A sampling of various concepts from MI
  • Activities for locating the current and desired future state of environmental communications
Each of the following two-hour introductory workshops will cover the same information. There is no registration needed to join. Click on any of the event links above to add to your own calendar and find the Zoom information for the workshop series (same ID for all sessions). Questions? Email ahead of the workshop. Intermediate Series
The six-session Intermediate series (attending an introduction session is prerequisite) is a path to revealing the best environmental communicator you can be. The series of six workshops has been carefully crafted to advance your potential in Motivational Interviewing as rapidly as possible. Throughout the series, powerful experiential learning approaches will be used, including self-reflection, visualization, memory recall, debriefs and active participation.  

The intermediate series will be held weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm for two hours, starting on Wed. June 9th - July 14th. There is no registration needed to join. Click on any of the event links above to add to your own calendar and find the Zoom information for the workshop series (same ID for all sessions).
Friday May 28th, 2021 9:00am PDT
Friday May 28th, 2021 10:00am PDT
Category CCL Training

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