Weekly Briefing: Save Your Spot For Our Lobby Day Trainings đź“ť
May 8, 2024
Hands down, CCL’s annual Capitol Hill lobby day is our most energizing, inspiring day of the year. Volunteers from all around the country flock to the Capitol steps for a group photo, and the atmosphere is buzzing. Then they head off to hundreds of lobby meetings — in both the House and Senate, with both Republicans and Democrats — all in one day.
We hope you can make it to D.C. to join us. Registration is open until May 20, but lobby spots fill up quickly, so sign up now!Â
Once you’re booked to join us on Capitol Hill, check out these Lobby Day trainings led by CCL's Vice President for Government Affairs Ben Pendergrass and Senior Director of Government Affairs Jennifer Tyler.
- Lobby Training #1: Primary & Supporting Asks: This training will review the updates and context for CCL's Summer 2024 Primary and Secondary Asks as well as guidance for lobby teams as they plan their in-person meetings. Plan to join us Monday, May 20th, at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
- Lobby Training #2: Legislative Plan:  Get up-to-the-moment insights on the dynamics in Congress and how we can most effectively use our time in meetings to support our agenda. Plan to join us Thursday, May 23rd, at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
In other news this week:
• A carbon price is still critical to meet America’s climate commitments: In a recent CCU, CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli dove deep into new research from the Hamilton Project and Brookings Institution that shows a price on carbon is the most cost-effective way to curb carbon emissions. Check out his written recap and watch the recording here. Â
• ICYMI: Permitting reform news: The White House Council on Environmental Quality announced a new rule this week, implementing permitting reform measures that Congress passed in last year’s debt ceiling deal. CCL put out a statement expressing that we are encouraged to see the rule, which includes some notable climate wins, and we will continue to work with Congress for additional important permitting reforms.
Take action this week
If you have a little time: Write Congress about new carbon pricing research. A new study from The Hamilton Project and the Brookings Institution modeled several different climate policy scenarios to determine the most cost effective method for curbing carbon pollution. Congress should know that the scenarios including a carbon fee came out on top! Take a minute to write your representatives a message in support of a price on carbon.Â
If you have more time: Attend CCL’s May meeting this weekend. At CCL’s May meeting on Saturday, we’ll hear from Sara Eyassu, CCL’s Mountain West Climate Advocacy Fellow, who will showcase work from our student leaders and CCL youth climate advocacy efforts across the nation.  Plan to join us on Saturday at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT.
Featured chapter: CCL Dallas-Fort Worth
Our volunteers in Dallas-Fort Worth have energy to share! This medium-sized chapter’s events span the diverse landscape of the Metroplex area, from the urban hub of Dallas to the suburban enclaves of Mansfield and Cedar Hill, even reaching into the rural expanse of Denton.Â
In addition to their regular activities lobbying their representatives in Congress and city council members, our DFW volunteers stay busy with exciting activities and events. They have recently given a presentation at UT Dallas, done some tabling outreach for Earth Day, and coming up, they will collaborate with local LGBT+ organizations for a “Green with Pride” event in June. Joy Sullivan, one of the group leaders in this chapter, says, “I feel like diversity and inclusion has been emphasized in the DFW chapter, and it has shaped how the chapter discusses climate. With our chapter being a mix of age and generations, I feel that is an important conversation.”Â
Amidst their busy agenda, the chapter prioritizes fun and connection, cherishing opportunities to come together face-to-face. "As far as connecting, we are trying to gather in person and have that connection face to face, because people miss that," Joy mentions. Awesome job, CCL Dallas-Fort Worth!
Have you logged your recent activities in the Action Tracker? Tell us what your chapter has been up to lately.
Action Tracker
Today’s featured chapter story was written by CCL intern Isidora Lea-Plaza.
Upcoming trainings
5/9: Handling Difficult Lobbying Scenarios - Sometimes lobby meetings can throw you a curveball! Equip yourself with the skills to overcome these scenarios and keep your conversations with lawmakers on track. Join us!
5/14: Lobbying Basics: Planning and Practicing Your Meeting - This training covers what an actual meeting with your member of Congress looks like and how to prepare. It also includes a chance to practice with CCL staff. Join us!
5/16: Summer Media Opportunities - CCL’s State & Local Media Coordinator Charlotte Ward will guide attendees through this training about upcoming media opportunities, including ideas for generating local media coverage for volunteers attending our Summer Conference & Lobby Day. Join us!
To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
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Global EV sales projections for 2024
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