Featured Action Team: Writers Circle Action Team
If there was ever an action team that epitomizes CCL’s commitment to relationships, comradery and focus, it’s the Writers Circle. This popular action team offers a place to get inspiration and peer support for writing letters to the editor (LTEs), op-eds, or other media efforts about climate action.
Media work is important because members of Congress, and their staff, pay attention to local media — especially when it mentions them — and getting local coverage can effectively convey what constituents want.
Members of the Writers Circle use the action team to share drafts and opportunities, celebrate their published successes, ask for constructive feedback, offer edits, swap writing tips, inspiration, or other general writing advice.
The team hosts two calls a month: an LTE workshop, which includes a training and focused time to write, and Coffee and Catch Up, an informal Zoom social where participants chat about what they are working on, celebrate successes and brainstorm ideas.
“We have a dynamic band of volunteers who use the Writers Circle to share their drafts and inspire each other,” says CCL’s Communications and Media Manager, Charlotte Ward, who runs the action team.
“It’s always great to see how members lift each other up and work collaboratively to fine tune their media submissions. Friendships have been formed with volunteers from different parts of the country actively working together on creative and wide-reaching projects. If you want to increase your media successes, this is definitely the place to be.”
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