Weekly Briefing: Thank You For Your Support And Incredible Work In 2023
January 3, 2023
We ran the numbers, and it’s official — we exceeded our year-end fundraising goal of $1.25 million, bringing in a total of $1,271,722! We are filled with immense gratitude and absolutely blown away by the continued outpouring of support from our volunteers, staff, board members, and donors.
Many of you stretched your personal giving this year and invited those in your network to do the same. From all of us at CCL: thank you for your generosity of time and treasure, and for relentlessly choosing to be part of the solution. Your support is pivotal in bringing hope and real solutions to the forefront in 2024.
Didn’t have the opportunity to make a contribution during the fundraiser? You can still make a donation today!
1,271,722 isn’t the only number we’re excited about as we wrap up 2023. We’re also thrilled that you made these stats possible through your incredible volunteer work last year:
- 1,090 citizen lobby meetings with Congress
- 1,918 media hits about CCL and the climate solutions we support
- 381 chapters doing the work across the U.S.
For a deep dive into more 2023 numbers, like our top 12 most visited volunteer resources, head to this CCL Community post by CCL VP of Programs Brett Cease.
In other news this week:
• Ask Jesse Jenkins anything: Superstar researcher Dr. Jesse Jenkins, lead author of the Net Zero America study and Princeton Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, will join CCL for an “Ask Me Anything” session on all things clean energy. Mark your calendar for Jan. 23!
• A reminder about relationships: Relationships are critical to our climate advocacy. Watch this short video from Jenn Tyler, CCL Senior Director of Government Affairs, for a reminder about why our relationships with Congress make such a difference.
• Climate communication award: Eleven California CCLers recently attended the presentation of a prestigious climate science communication award to Dr. Ben Santer. Get the details and see a photo in this CCL Community post.
Take action this week
If you have a little time: Mark your calendar for CCL’s January monthly meeting. CCL’s national staff holds a meeting on the second Saturday of every month at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT. It’s a chance for you and your chapter to tune in for updates and action ideas to support your climate advocacy that month. Plus, you may get a chance to share your recent successes and ask a question to our guest speaker or featured staff member. Plan to join us for our January meeting on Saturday, Jan. 13, where we’ll discuss climate policy opportunities ahead for the year and how your chapter can plan to make an impact.
If you have more time: Invite someone to attend CCL’s info session. Some of your friends or family probably made New Year’s resolutions to volunteer more in 2024. Help them out by introducing them to CCL! Invite folks to attend CCL’s informational session, offered live each week or available as a recording. It’s a great way to learn more about Citizens’ Climate Lobby and how we work toward climate solutions with supporters and elected officials all across the political spectrum.
We want to feature your chapter!
As a grassroots organization, we love to see and celebrate what our volunteers are doing out in the field. Every climate conversation and creative event you hold in your community makes an impact!
That’s why we like to feature a local CCL chapter every week, right here in our national newsletter. Your work is moving the needle on climate action — you deserve to get some recognition for it
Since we began this segment in 2023, we’ve featured 35 of our nearly 400 U.S. chapters, all marked on the map above. If you want your chapter to be featured in 2024, fill out this submission form or bookmark it for future reference.
Tell us what your chapter has been up to, and we’ll share your stories with the rest of our volunteers this year. Feature My Chapter
Upcoming trainings
1/4: Comparing Carbon Border Adjustment and Tariff Bills - CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli will compare several pieces of new and existing legislation that would impose carbon tariffs or establish a carbon border adjustment mechanism. Join us!
1/11: Developing Your Chapter’s 2024 Action Plan - Join Todd Elvins, CCL's National Actions Director, to coordinate your areas of focus for the year ahead. Join us!
Need training on the basics? Catch the kickoff session of our Core Volunteer Training series, made for newer volunteers:
1/9: CCL Community Website Walkthrough - This initial training focuses on helping you navigate our websites and opportunities for harnessing the talents, experience and interests you bring to CCL with Tamara Staton, Education and Resilience Coordinator. Join us!
To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
Chart of the Week

New record global temperature set in 2023
Join the discussion of a nerdy climate recap for 2023 and lookahead to 2024.
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