Weekly Briefing: New York Times covers the push for clean energy tax credits

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March 19, 2025


In a new article this week, the New York Times highlights the growing push from some Republican lawmakers, energy companies and advocacy groups like CCL to preserve America’s clean energy tax credits.

“A growing group of Republicans and business leaders is rallying behind an unlikely cause,” the article begins. “They want to protect Biden-era tax credits for wind, solar and other clean energy.”

That’s because the tax credits “have helped spur a boom in manufacturing investment in the United States, especially in Republican districts,” the article points out. The story goes on to mention that 21 Republicans recently sent to the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee emphasizing those benefits.

The drumbeat of support is steady and loud from other sectors, too. The story mentions a solar industry trade group and other energy companies lending their weight to the discussion, as well as CCL’s recent lobby day.

“Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a nonprofit group, held two days of events on Capitol Hill. After a day of preparations and training at a nearby Holiday Inn, dozens of the group’s staff and volunteers met with congressional staff to talk up the merits of the tax credits,” the article reads.

“Then, after a full day of meetings, the group held a reception at Barrel, a local bar, where three Republican members of Congress — Bruce Westerman of Arkansas, Mike Lawler of New York and Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa — stopped by to receive the group’s ‘conservative climate award.’”

Read the Story

In other news this week

Budgets, budgets everywhere - You probably saw some headlines last week that Congress passed, and President Trump signed, a budget bill to fund the government. Just to clarify, this budget legislation does not change the clean energy tax credits we’re working to preserve. What passed was a short-term spending bill, also called a “continuing resolution.” The push to preserve clean energy tax credits is related to a different budget process called budget reconciliation, which has only just begun. So, our defense of those important clean energy tax credits continues! If you haven’t already, call your Republican members of Congress about the tax credits this week, using our easy calling tool and script.

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Help us hit our $10k goal by March 31. In an article this week, the New York Times said, “The campaign to protect the [clean energy tax] credits has gathered momentum.” The story mentions CCL’s recent lobbying on Capitol Hill as a part of that momentum! Our work is making a real impact on climate policy today and on the safety and stability of our world into the future. Will you support that work with a monthly donation? So far, CCLers have given $8,392 in new or increased monthly donations— thank you! But we’re still stretching toward our $10,000 goal for March, with less than two weeks to go. And don’t forget: angel donors will match your monthly gift $4-to-$1 for three months, so your support goes even further. If you haven’t already, give today to support our work at this critical time.

If you have more time: Write a letter for spring drop-offs. In the spring, members of Congress usually have some dedicated time to work in their local offices. This year, the spring in-district work period is April 14-25. We’re planning to stop by and drop off letters about climate action during that time! Head to our March Action Sheet for guidance about what to write in your letters. These letters will send a strong signal of local support for important federal climate policies, so grab a pen and paper!

Featured Action Team: Writers Circle Action Team - Read their feature here!

Upcoming trainings

3/20: Tabling Events for Earth Month 2025 - Tabling is a powerful way to engage people and inspire action on climate solutions. Thanks to Earth Day, April is a great month for tabling! In this training, CCL’s Vice President of Operations, Ricky Bradley, will discuss effective tabling strategies and share insights from experienced tablers in CCL. We’ll also explore how to incorporate current materials—such as those defending the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy tax credits—into your Earth Day outreach efforts, ensuring your conversations are timely, impactful, and inspiring. Join us!

3/26: Social Media Basics - In this training, CCL's Content Marketing Manager Elissa Tennant will share how CCL leverages social media for our own advocacy and the resources CCL has available to support you and your group’s use of Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, or X. Join us!
Posted by Flannery Winchester on Mar 21, 2025 12:23 PM America/Los_Angeles

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