Monthly Action Sheets

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Every month CCL suggest actions for chapters and volunteers that are designed to build political will for a livable world. These actions are laid out on a monthly Action Sheet that includes a usage page for group leaders, links to the national call and information on the national speaker. 
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Download/Access Action Sheets

Google Docs Action Sheet Folder

Note: Group leaders can also download a PDF or Word (.docx) version of the action sheet below. The Word version includes the advance planning page for group leaders (to be deleted before sending to the full group), while the PDF version does not (there is a separate standalone PDF page for the advance planning page, given that most computers aren't set up to edit PDFs).

March 2025 Action Sheet Word VersionMarch 2025 Action Sheet Word Version6510 KB
March 2025 Action Sheet PDFMarch 2025 Action Sheet PDF6699 KB
The planning guide for Word versions of the Action Sheet is on the first page. You can download the planning guide separately below for PDF versions of the Action Sheet.
March 2025 PDF Planning GuideMarch 2025 PDF Planning Guide73 KB

Additional Resources:

For Group Leaders

Monthly action sheets are a great tool for Group Leaders, allowing them to lean on the national organization for guidance around actions, agendas and ideas - though by no means is there a requirement to do so. Many groups share the whole monthly action sheet with their group over email, while others create their own version of the action sheet, picking and choosing various pieces to add to their agenda. It can be helpful to have a front page with your own local meeting agenda, followed by successive pages that include detailed guidance for national actions.

Virtual Signup Sheet Template

Note: Our Signup Sheet Template provides group leaders the chance to make a copy of a standard Google Form for their local chapter to use to engage volunteers to sign-up for the monthly actions. Click here to make your own copy and feel free to edit, delete, or add questions to make it fit your chapter.

Here's what one group leader had to say about the new sign-up sheets: 

"I started our monthly meeting with the reminder that we come together as a CCL chapter each month so that each of us can determine our "personal monthly climate action". Then, right away, I shared the link to the virtual signup sheet. During the course of the meeting, I referenced the virtual signup sheet additional times and shared the link again each time. Afterwards I go back through the responses and connect volunteers with resources on CCL Community or with an Action Team leader or CCL staff who can help them figure out how to take the actions they want to take this month." -Sean Dague, CCL NY Mid Hudson South Chapter

We understand that some groups may not have the capacity to complete every monthly action. Please do what is best for your group. 
Chapter Organizing
File Type
PDF (.pdf), Word (.docx)