What is the content of the information that CCL sends out to new members and supporters?
I'm revising the email that automatically goes out from our chapter and don't want to duplicate what CCL sends. Would you give the text of what is sent?
Also, I know entry is a little different if a person gets in the Roster via joining the CCL website and added from a tabling event. Do they receive different letters?
15 Replies
Brett Cease
3862 Posts

Thanks David Folland‍  for this question and apologies on the delay in the rush of leading up to the conference. After checking in with our IT team, here's the rough approximation of the email that CCL automatically sends out to new volunteers as they join. Ultimately, whether they directly join themselves by signing up online (here often) or are added indirectly by way of a big tabling bulk update, the only major variation is what local connect language they receive depending on whether there is a nearby local chapter or not.   If they are added by one's chapter roster they are also sent a "verify your email" link to confirm as well before sending them a welcome, let us know what additional questions come up in response!

Subject: Volunteering with Citizens' Climate Lobby

From: membership@citizensclimatelobby.org 

Hello XXX,

You’ve joined 200,000+ supporters around the world - ordinary folks doing extraordinary things to solve climate change. 

Your Local Chapter

We've automatically assigned you to the chapter we think is closest to you: Test Group. We encourage you to reach out to your chapter at xxx@citizensclimatelobby.org and introduce yourself. We have already let your chapter know that you've signed up with CCL, so they should be expecting you. If you would prefer to work with a different local chapter, please choose one on this form.

Making Progress on Climate Action 

Citizens’ Climate Lobby was founded in 2007 with the goal of giving ordinary people the tools, training and support they needed to ask Congress for climate change action in an organized and efficient way. Today, we are 200,000+ supporters across the U.S. working together to solve climate change.  

Introducing CCL Community 

CCL community is our online home for CCL volunteers. It’s the place to go to find the training and resources you’ll need, and to meet and interact with other volunteers. CCL community will let you: 

Get up to speed right away 

Find everything you need to know about key topics on our topics pages, including resources, trainings, and step-by-step instructions. 

Find and save the resources you need 

CCL Community makes it easy for you to find the content you want and save it to your dashboard so you can use it again. 

Connect to other volunteers 

Jump into our forums—introduce yourself and share a bit about why you’re here. The forums are the place to ask questions, learn best practices from, and chat with other volunteers. 

We’ve created an account for you on CCL Community.  

You can log in at: community.citizensclimate.org with the following:

Username: XXXX

Password: XXXX

Be sure to add the email address "cclcommunity@citizensclimate.org" to your email contacts or whitelist the address with your email provider to prevent any messages from filtering into Spam.

For an overview of how to use CCL Community, please check out our New Volunteer Welcome page.  

You can also look over our Volunteer Inventory Form to be prepared to share what interests you have that you'd like to share with your local chapter! 

Welcome aboard! We look forward to working with you.

Caillie Roach

Membership Coordinator

Citizens' Climate Lobby

1330 Orange Ave, Suite 309

Coronado, CA 92118



Thanks, Brett.
This is very helpful.
Thanks again, Brett for referring me to this forum thread. I have one final question (I hope :-)): What is the subject line of the email sent to new members? Because the volume of email any of us gets is large and getting larger, I would like to help our new users find this email by referring to it in our chapter's welcome email and a specific subject line may help. - Doug Alde
Sara Wanous
243 Posts
Hi Doug! The subject line of the welcome email is "Volunteering with Citizens' Climate Lobby"
Thank you, Sara. I think I now know how to move forward with welcome message for our chapter.

All the best — Doug Alde

Douglas M Alde
Chapter Leader, Denver South Metro
CCL Liaison to U.S. Senator Cory Gardner
(505) 412.9548
Adjunct Professor of Physics, University of Denver
(303) 871-3552‬

@Brett Cease Has the New Volunteer Welcome letter been updated to mention the new climate actions program (was MCC)? If not, how do new volunteers find out about it? We've got a very active Welcome Team, and we'd like to complement the information that new volunteers are getting from CCL National. So it'd be really sweet to have copies of those emails!

T Todd Elvins
3005 Posts

@Michelle Hamilton

We're still working out some of the aspects of the Climate Action Program so we've not started advertising yet.  Please stay tuned for more details and ways that you can spread the word. 

Thank you for your CCL work!

@T Todd Elvins
Thanks!  How will we know when a Welcome letter has been prepared and sent out?  (I'm responsible for sending a welcome message to new members to our chapter.)

T Todd Elvins
3005 Posts

@Carolynn Van Dyke

I'll have to let you know in the future if  a CAP description is added into the welcome letter.  We do not have a plan to do that. @Caillie Roach is that correct?

CAP alerts go to all volunteers who have been in CCL for 8 weeks so new recruits will all be subscribed. And we're planning to add a one sentence description of the CAP at the bottom of future CAP emails.  Stay tuned for that one.  Next CAP alert will be on April 4. 

Also, we've updated CCL Community's CAP Training page. Be sure to check out the first 5 minutes of the video. 

Caillie Roach
111 Posts

@T Todd Elvins That is correct.

@Carolynn Van Dyke The welcome email goes out within 24 hours of the new prospect signing up! You can read more about what happens when someone new joins here. 

521 Posts

@Brett Cease
Hi all, 

I'm looking for the current email that gets sent to brand new sign ups. Specifically, I'm wondering how they receive instructions on accessing their CCL Community account. Is the above current? What is the subject line? I looked here 


but I couldn't tell if it had instructions and default passwords for CCL Community. 

with gratitude, 

Brett Cease
3862 Posts

Thanks @Debbie Chang! Confirming that the copy above is still current and whenever an update is happening to our new volunteer nurturing emails we'll be sure to post it to our leadership and on our  When Someone New Joins CCL training page.

Brett Cease
3862 Posts

Hello all! Just a note that the updates to our automated onboarding process just went live this morning!

The overall update is described here on the When Someone New Joins CCL training page.

And for the complete details of what the new emails look like:


@Brett Cease
Hi!  Just want to clarify:  Do new volunteers begin to receive your (Brett's) monthly action emails when they reach week 8 after sign-up?  Is that what is meant by the statement that at this point they “Enter CCL's Climate Action Program”?   Thank you

Brett Cease
3862 Posts

Thanks @Carol Coleman, correct!

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