What is the CCL Climate Action Program?

You do not need to sign up to receive action alerts from our new Climate Action Program when you're on the CCL mailing list, or opted in for text alerts. You will automatically receive CAP alerts about once per month. See below for how to recognize a CAP email.
CCL's Climate Action Program sends quick, easy, high impact calls to action to volunteers by text and email about once per month. The timely alerts ask volunteers to take a variety of quick write, call and other actions and are designed to strategically respond to the legislative landscape in Washington D.C..
What is CCL’s Climate Action Program?
CCL's Climate Action Program sends quick, easy, high-impact calls to action to volunteers by text and email about once per month. The timely alerts ask volunteers to take a variety of write, call and other actions and are designed to strategically respond to the legislative landscape in Washington D.C..
The alerts are sent to all active U.S. CCL supporters who have not opted out of email or have opted in to texts/SMS. Alerts start sixty days after a supporter “Joins” CCL to allow a more intentional onboarding process.
Many of the alerts will ask volunteers to contact their members of Congress, often about a specific bill. Alerts that do not reference a specific bill are meant to remind Congress that there are devoted, persistent citizens who are paying attention and advocating for climate action.
How do I enroll in CCL's Climate Action Program?
All engaged CCL supporters in the U.S. who have not opted-out of email or have opted into text alerts will be alerted by CCL via SMS and/or email about once per month to take action. You can adjust your notification settings via the subscription settings at the bottom of a CCL email message or via an SMS reply.
You can enroll in text alerts at https://cclusa.org/text.
What are the benefits of CCL's Climate Action Program?
- CAP scripts, messages and actions are created by CCL staff in consultation with CCL’s Government Affairs team to align with what is currently happening in Congress. For example, actions may be quickly and strategically timed to bill movement in Congress
- All CCLers who have not opted out of email or have opted in to texts receive a timely CAP call to action about once per month to ensure that we are frequently exercising our advocacy muscle.
- The CAP helps everyone take action even if they don’t attend chapter meetings.
- The CAP alert changes every month so that volunteers are always making a fresh “ask” when they contact Congress.
- CAP alerts are, whenever possible, closely integrated with CCL’s Action Tracker and frequently leverage familiar CCL action tools for contacting Congress.
What role do Mobilization Managers play in CCL's CAP?
The Mobilization Manager role is described on the Mobilization Manager group welcome page and we expect that the role will evolve slightly over time. The group is a place where MMs can share ideas, questions and suggestions for best practices.
Most importantly, Mobilization Managers play an key role for their local chapter and district. As a local leader supporting the CCL Climate Action Program, MMs encourage and help local volunteers to take the action in the CAP alert each month. MMs can see which volunteers in their chapter (and in other chapters in the district and state) have taken action using the Recent Chapter Actions view in the Action Tracker. MMs can access volunteer contact information in the chapter roster tool so that MMs can encourage and help volunteers to take important and time-sensitive actions.
How can a volunteer become a Mobilization Manager?
Group Leaders and Chapter Admins can designate their chapter's Mobilization Manager(s) in the chapter roster tool. Volunteers can also join the Mobilization Manager Action Team to become a Mobilization Manager.
How can I watch for the CAP email alert? How will I recognize the CAP email alert?
There are four ways to watch for a CAP email. (1) The sender is most often Brett Cease (though sometimes it may be from another CCL staff member), (2) it is sent from the email address , (3) the subject starts with "CCL action", and (4) it will usually arrive in the morning on the Tuesday before the Saturday National Call - so that a chapter's Mobilization Manager(s) can lead the CAP action at their monthly meeting. The CAP email alerts may occasionally arrive on other days depending on what Congress is doing and other CCL's activities.
If after checking your spam or promotional folders and searching your email for keywords like "CCL Action" you're still not able to find the CAP email alert, scroll to bottom of any CCL email, click on "use this link to adjust your preferences" and ensure that you are subscribed to "Climate Action Program."
If you are subscribed but not receiving CAP email alerts, please submit a support request at cclusa.org/help so that we can determine what the problem is for your account. We have been able to troubleshoot everyone that has asked for help.
Can non-supporters join CCL's Climate Action Program?
Currently, people must join CCL or opt-in for text alerts to be included in CCL's Climate Action Program. We are planning to add, in the future, the ability for non-CCLers to subscribe to CAP email alerts.
My chapter has a monthly calling system. Should we continue calling Congress or switch to the CAP?
If local chapters wish to make coordinated monthly calls, we trust them to do what's best for their local area.
How do I unsubscribe from CCL's Climate Action Program?
There is an unsubscribe option at the bottom of every CCL email. And you can reply STOP to stop receiving text messages. You can unsubscribe from CCL's Climate Action Program and remain subscribed to other CCL emails.
Will actions and scripts differ by Congressional District?
Some default messages/scripts in CCL's online action tools are specific to an MOCs party affiliation, whether the MOC is an existing bill cosponsor and other factors. On rare occasions an action may not be applicable to all MOCs.
What actions will I be asked to do in CCL's Climate Action Program?
You will be asked to do quick actions you can take by yourself, generally in less than 10 minutes as we want it to be easy for all our volunteers. The program has focused largely on actions that contact our members of Congress around CCL's policy agenda areas with an emphasis on a three month rotation - with one monthly action advocating for carbon pricing policy, one for clean energy permitting reform, and one for our additional policy areas including healthy forests and building electrification and efficiency. Given the main purpose of the program is to align high-value actions with strategic timing, this rotation may change based on the timing of our lobby events or other important updates in Congress. The type of action will vary monthly and some might align with the actions at the top of your CCL Community Dashboard.
How can I see a list of the supporters in my chapter who are on the CAP alert emailing list?
Ask your GL or Chapter Admin to go to their Chapter Roster Tool.
- Click the "Roster details" tab.
- Click on the filter, "Engagement Segment".
- Check the six engaged segments,
- Engaged solo
- Highly engaged solo
- Engaged chapter
- Highly engaged chapter
- Passively engaged
- Recently unengaged
- Medium term unengaged
The monthly CAP email goes to these people. You can do the filtered search in the "Export" tab if you'd like to export the list to a spreadsheet.
Benefits of the Program
More About Mobilization Managers
How To View Action Tracker Actions for Mobilization Managers
- Sabrina Butcher
- Todd Elvins
- Brett Cease