May Monthly Meeting w/ Jad Daley and Joel Pannell, American Forests 8730
May Monthly Meeting w/ Jad Daley and Joel Pannell, American Forests

Each month, Citizens’ Climate Lobby supporters gather locally for a monthly meeting where we educate ourselves by listening to a guest speaker. Go to your local chapter's page to find out more about your chapter's plans for listening in. Our monthly action sheets are posted by the Saturday ahead of the monthly call and post any questions you have about this event in the comments below.

Jad Daley and Joel Pannell, American Forests

Increasing the number of trees is an effective means to store carbon that also has bipartisan support. But the preservation and planting of trees isn't just a way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It's also a way to foster environmental justice by improving the quality of life in urban areas where people of color are often marginalized. Joining our national call this month from American Forests are Jad Daley, President and CEO, and Joel Pannell, Vice President of Urban Forestry. They'll discuss American Forests' work with tree cover in American cities, which is often determined by income and race, and the work their organization is doing to restore forest health across the U.S., Mexico and Canada.



Playback options and other resources

Watch or download the video recording or pre-call video. Listen to the podcast on PodBean or iTunes.  View the meeting transcriptslide deck, or chat transcript.

May's Monthly Actions (click here to download the full sheet)

Actions for your chapter's gathering

  1. Help people go to D.C. in June. And plan your lobbying
  2. Plan summertime campaign season and grassroots activities (see worksheet)
  3. Social media bonus action: Share CCL’s climate posts on your social media
  4. Communication exercise: Practice welcoming a newcomer to your chapter meeting (see action sheet)
  5. Worksheet for Leveraging Candidate Town Halls 
Saturday May 14th, 2022 10:00am PDT
Saturday May 14th, 2022 11:00am PDT

Event RSVPs

Not Going