February Monthly Meeting w Bob Inglis, Executive Director republicEn.org 2486
February Monthly Meeting w Bob Inglis, Executive Director republicEn.org

Each month, Citizens’ Climate Lobby supporters gather locally for a monthly meeting where we educate ourselves by listening to a guest speaker. Go to your local chapter's page to find out more about your chapter's plans for listening in.

Our February guest, Bob Inglis, is no stranger to Citizens' Climate Lobby. A member of CCL's advisory board and the governing board of Citizens' Climate Education, Bob served as a Republican Congressman from South Carolina from 1993 to 1999 and again from 2005 to 2011. During his tenure, Bob introducing the Raise Wages, Cut Carbon Act — a revenue-neutral carbon tax. After leaving Congress, he started republicEn.org, an organization devoted to persuading conservatives to address climate change with market-based solutions. Bob has been a featured speaker at CCL national and regional conferences, coaching volunteers on how to effectively engage conservatives on climate change.

Playback options for meetings:

Watch or download the video recording. Or listen to the podcast on PodBean or iTunes.

February's Monthly Actions (click here to download the full sheet)

  1. Make an outreach plan for the 50th birthday of Earth Day (including trying out Paperless Grassroots Outreach)
  2. Enroll everyone in our new Monthly Calling Campaign
  3. Bonus Social Media Action: Start an Instagram account to stage a snowman protest, post a photo, win a prize! 
  4. Communication exercise: I heard you say … (reflections)  (see action sheet)

Group Leaders: check out the “Suggestions for Group Leader" PDF for how to use the February Action Sheet.

Saturday February 8th, 2020 10:00am PST
Saturday February 8th, 2020 11:00am PST

Event RSVPs

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