China plans new carbon measurement standards to boost climate efforts
Jim Greuel
46 Posts

It appears that China plans to implement a policy remarkably similar to the PROVE IT act.  How should this impact our advocacy for the PROVE IT Act, in particular, during next week's Lobby Day?  It strikes me this is yet another reason to pass the legislation.

5 Replies
Chris Wiegard
131 Posts

@Jim Greuel No I think it would be better for us to pay lots of money to China.  JK, you are making sense. 

Jim Greuel
46 Posts

The article doesn't say anything about China measuring the emissions of products from other countries.  At this time, it appears to be internally focused.  In that respect, it differs from the PROVE IT Act.

Yes that's right @Jim Greuel, this just proposes for China to measure its own industry's emissions, although the idea is that they want to show that some of their products are relatively low-carbon. It seems like one purpose is to encourage/incentivize other Chinese manufacturers to similarly reduce their carbon content (which is good!), and also to allow their lower-carbon products to minimize the costs of exporting to the EU once they implement their carbon border adjustment.

For now I'd say it's not super relevant to PROVE IT until the US implements a carbon tariff or CBAM, except that if China is going to claim that some of their products are low-carbon (and thus that American buyers who care about care about climate change should purchase them), it would be useful for us to have our own estimates to confirm or contradict those claims. But I probably wouldn't bring it up in lobbying next week; I'd just focus on PROVE IT's own merits.

Chris Wiegard
131 Posts
Could be an effort to prepare a response to CBAMS. Europe is ahead of us- clearly China has at least a year or two before the USA would be hitting them.

@Jim Greuel
Thank you, Jim.  Very helpful to know this and to learn from the article that European countries will be putting CBAM tariffs into effect in 2026.  Good reasons for the US to get on board by setting dependable measurements of carbon emissions ourselves, and establishing clear standards.   

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