Conference Presentations and Videos

This resource page (short link: hosts links to the archive of presentations and videos from CCL's national conferences, organized by year.
Recordings will first be made available on our YouTube and iTunes channels. Subscribe to those channels to be notified as new recordings are published.
2025 Conferences
Conservative Climate Leadership Conference
2024 Conferences
Fall Conference
Inclusion Conference
Summer Conference
Conservative Climate Leadership Conference
2023 Conferences
Fall Conference:
Inclusion Conference:
June Conference:
Conservative Conference:
December 2022 Conference:
- YouTube Playlist (check description field of videos for additional links)
- Presentations (Google Drive)
- YouTube Playlist (check description field of videos for additional links)
- Vimeo Playlist (check description field of videos for additional links)
- Presentations (Google Drive)
- June 2022 Virtual Conference YouTube Playlist (check description field of videos for additional links)
- June 2022 Virtual Conference Presentations (Google Drive)
- CCL YouTube Playlist (check description field of videos for additional links)
- November 2021 Virtual Conference Presentations (Google Drive)
- Podbean Podcasts November 2021 Conference Category
- CCL Nov 2021 Main Webinar Line Chat Log (for all the links)
- Note: Two Sunday Seminars are not available afterward as they were activity-based workshops: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion led by Pamela Benson Owens and What Can We Offer Each Other: A Discussion Among Right and Left Leaning CCLers, sponsored by the CCL Braver Angels Action Team
- For Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s Keynote session - a private recording for CCL volunteers exclusively on CCL Community is available here.
- June 2021 Virtual Conference YouTube Playlist (check description field of videos for additional links)
- June 2021 Virtual Conference Presentations (Google Drive)
- December 2020 Virtual Conference YouTube Playlist
- December 2020 Virtual Conference Presentations (Google Drive)
Note: The Sunday Seminars on Braver Angels and Race & Climate weren't recorded to create and promote a safe space for people to share their personal stories, be vulnerable and to pave the way for future conversations. Click here to become involved with the Braver Angels Action Team and learn more about building more diverse and inclusive chapters here.
- June 2020 Virtual Conference YouTube Playlist
- June 2020 Virtual Conference Presentations (Google Drive)
- Virtual Earth Day 2020 YouTube Playlist: Including Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Advocate Training, Organizing During The Pandemic, and Volunteer Panel.
- Conservative Climate Lobby Day 2020 Presentation Files & Handouts & Conservative Climate Advocate Training Workshop on YouTube
- 2019 National Conference Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2019 National Conference YouTube Video Playlist & Facebook Livestream Archives
- 2019 November Lobby Day Presentations (Google Drive)
- 2019 November Lobby Day YouTube Video Playlist & Facebook Livestream Archive
- 2018 National Conference Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2018 National Conference YouTube Video Playlist
- 2018 Congressional Education Day Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2018 Congressional Education Day YouTube Video Playlist
- 2017 National Conference Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2017 National Conference YouTube Video Playlist
- 2017 Congressional Education Day Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2017 Congressional Education Day YouTube Video Playlist
- 2016 National Conference Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2016 National Conference YouTube Video Playlist
- 2015 National Conference Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2015 National Conference YouTube Video Playlist
- 2011 - 2014 National Conference Presentation Files (Google Drive)
- 2014 National Conference YouTube Video Playlist