Resilience Hub

Building personal resilience helps avoid burnout. It keeps us on course, through the highs and the lows, and bounces us forward from challenges.

The Resilience Hub on CCL Community provides opportunities for building personal and chapter resilience that support purposeful action on climate.

Featured Resilience Resource

Therapists Help People Deal with Climate Anxiety

Video interview that highlights CCL volunteer, Craig Preston, and others, who are turning to Climate Cafes, therapists, and action to help navigate climate anxiety.

Watch Interview


For more resilience resources, consult our Resilience Resources Collection.

Resilience Resources Collection  

Live Workshops and Groups

For additional live trainings on a variety of topics, consult the Training Events Calendar.

Circles of Personal Resilience

Tuesdays, 2pm or 8pm ET (alternating weeks)
Circles of Personal Resilience provide the chance to express the grief or mourning you experience around climate change, as well as celebration and gratitude for what you love about our world. Drop-ins welcome!

Learn More


Become a Group Resilience Coordinator

Recent Session Started: July 24, 7:30pm ET
Monthly leadership training that builds personal and group resilience skills to strengthen chapter teamwork, cohesion, effectiveness and volunteer engagement. Advance registration required.

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Try 'A Taste of ONGO'

Recent Group Started: July 29, 8-9:30pm ET
This 3-week group experience is designed to integrate peace, compassion and wisdom into your climate activism, family, and community by helping you embody those qualities in your words and actions. Advance registration required.

Register Here for Future Sessions

Self-Paced Trainings

Five Steps to Personal Climate Resilience

  All Levels This training is suitable for everyone, from newer volunteers to those with more experience.
  Interactive Training content presented in a more interactive format with integrated images, audio, video and learner-centric activities.

This training is an opportunity to learn about five steps to building personal resilience in the face of climate change, which can help people stay strong and steady in their climate work and navigate feelings like climate anxiety, eco-grief and hopelessness.

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Self-Care for Stress Reduction

  All Levels This training is suitable for everyone, from newer volunteers to those with more experience.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training provides suggestions and resources for your inner advocate - the one who wants change, ease, and calm, but struggles at times to find or create it.

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Deepening Resilient Leadership

  Advanced This training topic is more advanced and intended to provide complex information after having learned the basics.
  Interactive Training content presented in a more interactive format with integrated images, audio, video and learner-centric activities.

This training is designed to explore and deepen our resilience as climate leaders and advocates, and begin to assess our own strengths and areas for development.

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Support Material

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