Welcome to CCL Community’s Page on Diversity & Inclusion at CCL

Our goal is to introduce you to certain aspects of this work and connect you with different trainings, action teams, and individuals that may help you in your Diversity & Inclusion journey. To further interact on the topics addressed in this page, please visit our Inclusion Forums.
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What is Diversity & Inclusion?

In 2019, CCL adopted the Diversity value. It states: “We empower everyone in exercising their personal and political power regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, ability, or political affiliation. We continue to bring awareness of important issues to all our volunteers and foster a sense of belonging to our organization.”

CCL’s focus on Diversity & Inclusion
We define diversity and inclusion as follows:

Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued. It is important to note that many activists and thinkers critique diversity alone as a strategy and often when people talk about diversity, they are thinking only of the “non-dominant” group. (For more information see UC Berkeley Center for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity’s Glossary of Terms) and Baltimore Racial Justice Action “Our Definitions” (2018)).

Inclusion has been defined as “authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power.” (OpenSource Leadership Strategies).

CCL National Goals

In 2019, CCL developed its own DEI Strategic Plan. That plan involved looking at different aspects of our organization, setting certain goals it wished to accomplish and the plan helped establish how we would work on diversity and inclusion going forward. You can learn about our DEI programs here.

Diversity & Inclusion Training Programs

Diversity and inclusion work takes time. It is not an activity one can do one day and then expect immediate results. But every daily activity can create long-term relationships and that is what we want to continue to foster at CCL.

The following trainings have been put together to give you an overview of some of the topics that are often discussed in most diversity and inclusion spaces:

1. Diversity and the Climate Movement

By Clara Fang, Higher Education Director
This training is geared at reviewing the historic and cultural barriers for people of color in the environmental movement and helping your group with strategies and tools to expand your chapter’s diversity footprint and become more inclusive through representing a more complete array of your local community’s constituency.

2. Anti-Racism & Allyship Resource Guide

By Karina Ramirez, Diversity & Inclusion Director with members of the Community Ambassadors Team: Lydia Koltai, Shelley Buonaiuto, Sue Hughes-Smith and Jess Wilber
This training will educate CCL volunteers about anti-racism, highlight portions of our ongoing work regarding Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), and discuss why this is essential to our work as climate advocates.

3. Diverse and Equitable Outreach In Your Chapters

By Danielle Whyte, CCL Chapter Development Intern
This training helps provide CCL volunteers with suggestions and actions to build inclusive chapters that promote equity with diverse representation.

4. Working with Environmental Justice Communities

By members of the Environmental Justice Action Team
This training helps volunteers practice two larger approaches within environmental justice outreach: building personal relationships built on genuine interest and working toward broader community engagement through shared alliances.

Diversity & Inclusion Action Team

A new affinity team that brings together people from all walks of life to listen and learn about diversity and inclusion initiatives through speakers, workshops, discussions, and taking actionable steps, was created in 2023.

The team will host monthly meetings in 2024 during the following dates: Feb. 26, March 25, April 22, July 22, Aug. 26, Sept. 23, and Nov. 25 at 8 pm. ET/ 5 p.m. PT. The dates selected do not conflict with the D&I Race, Culture, & Climate Conversation.

Spanish-Language Info Sessions

Every quarter members of the Latinos Action Team along with staff provide a CCL Informational Session in Spanish. The dates for 2024 are Feb. 27, May 2, Aug. 27, and Nov. 26 at 4 p.m. PT/7 p.m. ET. via Zoom. See the event calendar for more information and to register or visit cclusa.org/llamada to sign up for the latest session.

D&I Race, Culture, & Climate Conversation 
Since the Fall of 2020, Citizens’ Climate Lobby has hosted conversations about the intersectionality of race, culture, and climate. Two sessions will take place via Zoom in 2024. The dates are May 15 and Oct. 16 at 4 p.m. PT/7 p.m. ET. See the calendar to register.

Archive of all prior D&I Workshop videos

View the archive of the 2021-2023 D&I Education & Roundtable Discussion Series and other D&I workshops hosted at CCL. The monthly program touches on different diverse topics of interest to all volunteers. | Presented by the Diversity & Inclusion Fellows, CCL Staff, Community Ambassadors, and Interns.

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Affinity Action Teams

Since 2017, CCL action teams have expanded to include groups targeting BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and diverse populations. All of these teams were started by our own volunteers who saw the need to do particular work with members of their communities. The national groups are as follows:

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2024 Inclusion Team

Each year a team of D&I Fellows, Community Ambassadors, and volunteers help advance local, state, and national D&I initiatives. This year’s team include:

Callum Cintron (They/He)
LGBTQIA+Action Team Member & Volunteer
Flagstaff, AZ

Daniel Opoku (He/Him)
Diversity & Inclusion Fellow
Toledo, OH

Joy Sullivan (She/Her)
3rd Coast Community Ambassador
Dallas, TX

Karina Ramirez (She/Her/Ella)
Diversity & Inclusion Director
West Palm Beach, FL

Megha Bhatt (She/Her)    
Diversity & Inclusion Fellow
Sacramento, CA

Minerve Jean (She/Her)
Inclusion Conference Coordinator
Miami, FL

Rachel Porter (She/Her)
Southeast Region Community Ambassador
Durham, NC

Zach Steward (He/Him)
Belmont, MA

If you are interested in becoming a fellow or learning about other student opportunities in 2025, visit the Higher Education page for more information.       

The Role of Community Ambassadors

The Community Ambassadors (formerly Community Representatives) are volunteer positions that help support regional Diversity & Inclusion work. As CCL continues to grow and diversify, we want to ensure that all our chapter volunteers receive needed resources, training and support to conduct this important work.

Community Ambassadors act as an extension of the Diversity & Inclusion Director and become representatives for diversity work in their regions. The volunteers meet weekly with the Diversity & Inclusion Director.

To find out more information about Community Ambassadors and to get involved in diversity efforts taking place in your region, please see CCL’s Community Ambassador Volunteer Description

If you have any questions about Diversity & Inclusion, please reach out to:

Karina Ramírez

Diversity & Inclusion Director | karina.ramirez@citizensclimate.org | (She/Her/Ella)